Hi all - new to the board!

After living in a no-pets apartment for 5 years, we've finally moved...and are in the market for a dog.  We have a friend (several states away) who has a Corgi.  While visiting, we became enamored of "Blueberry" and are seriously considering Corgis as our breed of choice. 

We've done research, and unfortunately there are several things that are giving me pause.   So I'd love to get some input from experienced Corgi owners before taking the plunge...

Details about us: both experienced, dedicated dog owners - we've had both large and small.  Our last one died of old age 5 years ago...and our landlord implemented a building wide no-pets policy.  We live in NYC, in a 2 bedroom coop (1100 square feet.)  We both work.  I tend to have long hours, but my husband's work is flexible.  Back when we had our older dogs, we always made a point of 3 walks a day.  There's also a park, right near our home.  (My husband is interested in the possibility of training our Corgi for agility, though it would be a new experience for us.) We can live with fur.  That's not a problem.

We also have a 6 year old cat (he has his claws, and didn't seem bothered the one time had some pups over for a few hours, as part of a rescue transport.)

In researching, I've read that Corgis are intelligent, energetic - and can be really destructive when left alone.  Our dogs are always members of our family - but I don't want to make the mistake of getting a dog that ends up destroying the house from boredom...or barking incessantly and bothering the neighbors.  Is a Corgi a reasonable breed for our situation?  Or do we need to rethink this, and consider other breeds?

**As a side item - my husband is insisting on a puppy, since he's afraid that an older dog might be a danger to the cat.  But if that's not the case, we'd love to do rescue (older, though still young enough that we'll have several years with him/her and don't have to go through the heartbreak again, too soon.)  Welcome anyone's thoughts on this!!



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Hi Lula -

Thanks for the recommendation- I may be sending Cartwright Corgis an email.  I especially do like the fact that she helped you pick out a mellow pup (personally, whatever dog we end up with, I want him/her to be a snuggler...!)  :)

I agree! Good Breeders in CA are very hard to find because I think they don't have web pages to advertise their puppies/dogs. 

I feel like I was really lucky and came across my breeder on ebayclassifieds(.)com (I didn't even know ebay had such a site)!  They were located in Turlock which was not far at all from where I am. I wasn't really looking for a reputable breeder just a breeder that sold puppies.  Fortunately, the breeder I bought my Wee Chuk-Chuk from are great breeders. 


They take the welfare of their dogs very seriously and require that buyers sign a contract.  Basically, the contract stated that the breeders don't guarantee colors or that the dogs WILL BE show quality dogs, that the dogs have been checked for health issues and the buyer has the right to get their dog checked within 48 hours after bringing them home with their own vet to ensure that the puppy IS healthy and if found otherwise, the buyer may return the dog for a full refund or another puppy, and IF for any reason the buyer, in the future, cannot keep the dog anymore they MUST return the dog to the breeders without a refund and the breeders will rehome them.  The buyers are not allowed whatsoever to place them in a shelter. 

That really sold me, not because I plan to return my dog but, that they take the welfare of their dogs very seriously even after the dog has left their home and are more than willing to take their dogs back to find it a new home rather than allow the dogs to end up in a shelter.


The breeders gave me certificates of the dam and sire, tracing their blood lines back 2 generations, the immunization record sheet they kept for each puppy, AKC registration papers, and their contact information on the contract for any questions or problems i might have in the future. 


I was actually quite surprised at how young the breeders are.  I didn't ask how old they were but, they looked to be in their late 20's to early 30's and didn't have any kids besides a cat and the dam and sire and the puppies(obviously). 

I was very honest with my breeders also and told them that I was a VERY first time dog owner let alone a first time corgi owner so, I wanted a medium to low-level energy dog.  They were both very helpful pointing out what kind of energy level each dog was and what kind of home they would do well in. I went in wanting a female, not because of the desire to breed but, I just detest the male tendency to want to mark their territory in the house. After learning that neutering should fix the desire to mark and learning that my Wee Chuk-Chuk had the calmest energy I picked him right away after watching him.

He is totally a human lover.  He would take breaks and come and sit next to the breeder(the husband) and watch his siblings play. They did say he was the only one that did that and that he loves being next and with the humans (but, he doesn't have separation anxiety....I'm the one that does... ) And MAN, did the puppies played! They didn't stop for a moment until they were put back in their pen while my Chuk-Chuk sometimes just needed to stop for a moment to catch his breath or just watch his brothers and sisters roughhouse with each other.

My Chuckie sure does like to be in the lap. He would bring his toys and crawl in my lap to chew on them or he expects me to hold his chew stick so he could chew on it comfortably while laying in my lap.  I'm just like "I don't know how much longer u could do this Chuckie so, don't get too comfortable because when you get bigger I just don't think u could do this anymore."


He rarely barks! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will stay that way! The only serious problem I have with him right now is the potty training.  The breeders spoiled him!  He was raised inside the house with A/C and the temperature probably never rising above 75 degrees.  Now with the summer heat here and I have to take him out of the house in the afternoon to potty, the minute I open the door and he feels the heat, he drops to the floor and lays down on it, not budging from the floor.  He looks at me as if to say, "It's HOT out there HUMAN and this sexiness ain't going out that door."  In the afternoon, if I can't coax him out, I end up bringing him out. 

My puppy is definitely NOT AN OUTSIDE DOG! He would prefer to stay inside at all times(if only he could potty in the toilet, I would let him).  It doesn't matter what people say that corgi's are an active breed, it's the level of energy the dog has.  The first 2 things my now 13 weeks old puppy learned was the way home and the words 'Go Home'.  The minute I say those two music-to-his-ears words he takes off RUNNING home.  It doesn't matter how far we are from home, he runs!


I bought him for $600 and they come with limited registration meaning I'm gonna have to get him fixed which was fine for/with me.  I feel very fortunate that I bought him from very caring and reliable breeders since this is my first dog.  If, in the future I wanted another dog, I would definitely contact them first!

Janet, I'd expect to pay somewhere between around $1200 to $2000 in your neck of the woods, honestly. We paid $1200 for Jack and that was 5 years ago.

Hi Janet,

We were first time corgi owners in 2010.  We got a 7 wk old Pembroke - Leia and trained her from day 1 to respect the rules of our house.  Part of that training involved keeping her in a pen or other confined area along with crate training for the first year.  Our house was opened up to her in pieces and by 18 months, all pens and gates were put away until the next dog (which we were already planning at that time :)  She was not destructive unless we did not properly exercise her and she is a very high energy dog.  Since we both work full time - we came up with some creative solutions (there's a discussion about Kong treats where I explained the elaborate Kongs I used to make, freeze, and leave for her during the week).  We were always sure to walk her first thing when we got home and this has become a ritual for us as well.  Its a nice time to unwind and spend quality time together.  We found time to play with her each evening too.  This is our minimum amount of exercise our dog gets during the week - about an hour total.  When we are not working, we are sure to spend lots more time with her.  I still can't leave shoes on the floor when I'm not around, but she is not destructive in the least.  

I wanted a dog I could cuddle with too.  We taught Leia "kisses" mean its time to hang out in the lap and snuggle.  She loves it and randomly demands it each evening!  We just brought home our second corgi, a cardigan this time, last week. He is 3 months old and is settling right in.  I am also teaching Luke "kisses" and he really enjoys them already.  The dogs play together often, but we still have the pen and crate set up to give them both (and us) breaks from each other.  It teaches Luke to be separated from us in a healthy way also.  

Both dogs have extremely different temperaments.  Leia is high energy and extremely focused (a nice way of saying uptight) while Luke is very laid back and easy going.  In fact, Leia (2 yrs old) wears out Luke (3 months old) in every play session!  Luke goes to sleep and then Leia brings us a toy as if to say, "He's done, your turn!"  We are enjoying having two dogs!

If you decide on a corgi - Pembroke or Cardigan - you will be happy and in love immediately!  Yes, it will be work, but that's half the fun of bonding and staying active!  There is so much information on this site especially, but other places as well, you can find an answer to all of your new corgi's issues.  I think I have read every behavior and training article on www.aspca.org.  

Oh, also, I have an 8 year old cat now that had never had any contact or experience with a dog before, except when one chased him and almost got him about a week before we got Leia in 2010.  Sam is a very sensitive cat and was traumatized from his experience.  When we got Leia, it took a long time for him to adjust.  We would put her in her pen in our living room while we watched tv and spend time with Sammy.  Now, Sammy loves Leia and cuddles with her often.  He is warming up to Luke still, but its only been a week. 

Hope that helps you decide.  Keep us updated, and good luck!

Lindsey, Dustin

Luke, Leia, and Sam

Hi Lindsey -

Thanks!  We are still thinking Corgi...the more I hear, the more I like about the breed and think it's the best choice for us (assuming we don't accidentally find a mix that we fall in love with in the meantime.) 

Your post also reinforces what I'm hearing from so many other sources...that there's such a range of personalities with the breed; from super high energy to relaxed.  Which really makes me think it would be ideal to find a young adult...so that we can pick out one that has the best personality match for our household. (I want a semi-relaxed snuggler, please!)  So we're taking our time...to make sure we find the right one.  :)

Yes, personalities vary.  For instance, Jack is 5 and we just spent an hour in agility class.   There are only two in the class so he spent probably 45 minutes of that hour running, jumping, and doing weave poles.  He relaxed in the car, had a drink and some food and a 45 minute lie-down... and now he's hanging out by the laundry room door (where his fun toys are) and barking to play.   As I said, he's already 5.   He won't slow down til he's 9 or 10, I'm guessing.

Maddie is happy enough to be on your lap, but forget about it if you get out a frisbee or she sees a lake.  She gets so excited she screams.  I never heard a dog scream before.  And she's my calmer one.  :-)

Hi all,

Someone who had several Corgi's in their family for years told us that they are like small German Shepherds in attitude and smarts - and I'd have to say that's true - highly intelligent and very sweet and caring and alert. I am a brand new Corgi owner as well - we've had Sadie for about 3 months now - she is 2 yrs old and her family (with kids) didn't want her anymore. So she's a rescue, sort of - I don't know anything about how she was treated or what happened, but I have some suspicions, as she is very reactive if you move a bit quickly. My daughter was working for the father-in-law and mentioned we had decided to add a Corgi to our household, and voila, there ya go - I got my girl!

We have a small farm where we raise horses and alpacas (lots of hair in the house even before the dogs!) have a German Shepherd in the house (our old lab died last winter) with 3 cats and 5 barn cats outside. Sadie has been perfect for us! We keep her in her crate during the day when we can't be there, as I don't know how she will do in the house just yet - but that test is coming up soon. (I have always believed in crate training, if nothing else, they have their 'special' place to retreat to when needed.) She dealt with the cats very well right away - but we watched her closely at first. She chases the barn cats, but mainly just to make sure they know she's the boss - she runs after them and stops as soon as she catches up to them, AND amazingly comes instantly on recall if I tell her to stop. She bosses the Shepherd around as well :). The only issues I've had with her is that she barks when she's in the crate and feels she needs to be with us - she is my shadow in the house - which is something I'm getting used to - but I find it oddly comforting at the same time. She LOVES to cuddle, I suspect she was too needy for her previous family, she needs to be near by and petted now and then, if I am sitting anywhere, she is within 2-3 feet of me laying down. :) (I did need to teach her the down command - she thought the couch was an ok place to be - NOT! And jumping on me or anyone is also something not ok and we are learning not to do that, too.) She goes with me to the barns, but not allowed into the pastures. She's not horse savvy - and they'll step on her. And the alpacas are guarded by livestock guardian dogs - so she's not allowed in there either. I take her everywhere else with me that I can. I am so happy she has joined us.



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