Just a simple question... How do you deal with them?

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Well, the one time Ziggy managed to get one, I just grabbed it off (with a plastic bag over my hand) and then I used a baby wipe down where it had been touching his fur:)

I've heard of people trimming the hair around the anus...

Usually not a big problem with Corgis (because of the nature of their hair).   But I always keep baby wipes around (unscented) just in case.

I plop the offending end into the laundry room sink and splash/soak until I can pull it out without hurting.

Me too!

For minor dingleberries, baby wipes.  We keep a pack by the door.  I also keep a ziploc with 2-3 wipes in my purse, just in case.

For serious dingleberries and the occasional episode of cannonbutt, hose on porch with sprayer attachment + stack of rags for drying off.

Love this!  I agree with both methods.  I missed one on Logan Friday and had to clean all of my son's bedding. Nothing says "Stop the fun" like a poopy butt. 

Ha!  I thought of you last night as I had to let Logan out for an emergency potty break and he came back in with cannonbutt!  I used baby wipes to get things okay for being in the crate.  He has another explosion in the morning and had to have his back end washed in the sink.  No treats today!

Indeed!  We are on a road trip for work to do some management of my bosses' ski house, and the stress of the 13-hr car ride has (as expected) resulted in some cannonbutt.  So before we go on a hike I have to pre-poop the dog.  Out, then back, hose, dry, back in for the hiking pack and hat, and off we go!


uhm, what's a dingleberry? -_-

LOL, other than a person who has done something extremely stupid, it is a glob of poop that attaches to the hair as is tries to make its way to the ground. The glob can vary in size from just a tad to extremely big. 

Baby wipes work great. I keep them in the car and by the front door. We also have a stack of rags on the dryer for various types of clean up. Just plain water is usually enough to remove the offending glob unless there is an extreme digestive disturbance. If this is the case, the offending back end, with dog still attached, goes into the shower for further removal efforts. Said back end is usually not very happy at this point and tends to sit on the shower floor making removal efforts difficult. A treat is always given after any degree of removal effort. This is mandatory!!


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