Do your little guys like the car? If so, do you do anything special so they can see out the window yet still be safe? 

I've been taking Four on short car rides but feel myself having to hold him while driving. Not easy or safe. I just feel bad that he can't breathe out the window like big dogs. Am I crazy :) Four is 6 months. We have an 8 hour car ride during Christmas. Maybe hell grow into it. 

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This is awesome!! I want one

Love this! Headed to Petsmart today :)

We have a crate like Sam's but also an older one as we manytimes have multiple dogs with us.

Seatbelt Harness

Booster seat

Warning on the booster seat- it is very likely that your dog will outgrow this. It can handle the weight, but Camden couldn't sit comfortably on it as he got bigger.

You could get a dog car seat so the doggie can look out the window.  Chloe has a seat harness, and crate.  She prefers the crate.  While dogs enjoy looking out the window serious injuries can happen.  Rocks and debris can fly in dog's eyes.  An unrestrained dog can be quite dangerous if a driver is distracted or if you get in a wreck. Don't take the risk.

I have a Miata. While I would like to upgrade to a small SUV, it's not currently feasible. Mine ride in the passenger seat with the airbag turned off. They wear a dedicated doggy seatbelt harness which is designed with a car accident in mind. I bought mine here: . They can see out if they stretch, but usually they just lay down.

Fabulous! Will have to buy this too :)

I have found that on long car rides the dogs don't want to look out the window after the first hour. It seems the movement of the car puts them to sleep. Using a crate you can have piece of mind that they will be ok and not get tangled up in the harness attachment. Plus when you spend the night at a hotel you can crate them when you go out to eat.

I've been using a hard crate since day 1 - it works like a charm.

I take my corgi on car rides but he moves all around the car so I only take him on short car rides now and when he sits on my lap he makes sure he leaves his corgi nose art on the window.... my husband doesnt think its cute but i do

I ended up buying this and it works very well. He can see out the window and is secure through a seat belt and harness. Only thing is it's not made for long dogs. Four is only 6 months. I think I'll have to buys a bigger one soon. 

Juno used to be in a crate but he just recently switched to a car seatbelt harness.  "Solvit Pet vehicle safety harness"(4star rating on amazon). bcuz it's attached to the seat belt, he is still able to move around and look out the window if he wanted to but any sudden pulling still stop the seat belt as it would for a human. Juno has chosen to just laydown. & you can adjust how much wiggle room you want to give your dog with the seatbelt harness attachment


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