I am having a flea issue this week, not an infestation (yet) just annoying. Becca was due to have her Frontline plus while we were on vacation. I forgot it, and put it on last Sunday five days late. She didn't cooperate and I got more on her hair than skin. This week Becca, the cat and I have all been scratching. I treated the indoor cat, gave Becca a Capstar and have been washing everything. I vacuumed yesterday. It is hard for me to vacuum because the cat is so terrified of it. She goes catatonic (not a pun) and will be under the couch for up to 6 hours afterward. I have been flea combing both of them daily, only found two fleas so far and very little dirt. I have several bites around my ankles and Becca is still scratching.

What is my next step? I will try to call my vet tomorrow, but it is the first teacher workshop day and my whole day is scheduled. Does anyone know if you can give Frontline Plus and Comfortis together? Should I switch to Advantix next month? I want to stop the flea issue before it balloons.

I can't spray or bomb the house because I have a bearded dragon and an anole. I also have very severe allergic reactions to many chemicals. I'd have to take Becca to a groomer to use a flea shampoo.

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There is a lot of flea shampoos at the store and many stores Cary frontline even grocery stores. There is also natural ways to get rid of fleas and you can google natural ways to get rid of fleas. I have heard of a lot of mayo and lemon juice remedies. But a lot of people don't like using flea shampoos because of the chemicals. If you are by a store then take five minutes and get frontline and there is other brands that work great.
Sorry to add on there is a lot of pesticide sprays that are safe for dogs and other animals that kills fleas in the bed areas and in the house.

I already used Frontline a week ago as well as Capstar. I'm allergic to most pesticide shampoos and sprays. Depending on what I find out I will make Becca an appointment with my groomer.

My last cat had a reaction to Advantage. I know each animal reacts differently, but it has made me cautious. I only treat my current cat when there is a problem. She is primarily indoor, goes out on a harness when she has been treated.

I flea combed both of them again today. The cat was flea free and Becca has only one.

I found the Frontline ineffective. Switched to K9 Advantix & it is super duper effective, at least where I live.

Yes you can give frontline plus and comfortis together, that is safe to do and Comfortis works like capstar and kills fleas within an hour. Very good product.

I would switch to advantage next month (Advantix if ticks are a problem near you).  Just beware with Advantix that if the cat grooms the dog, it is not safe to use.  It's toxic to cats, but I've had a dog and cat household for years and never had a problem; I just lock the cat up for an hour or so while I put it on and let it dry, and make sure to put the empty tubes in the outside bin to eliminate any chance of the dogs tipping the garbage and exposing the cat to it.

I think Advantix keeps the fleas from biting, where with Frontline they need to bite first to die.  Which means the dog can bring them in on Frontline, but they can be knocked off/hop off and go after the cat.  

I have never seen a live flea in the five years I've used it, and I board my dogs and they regularly see other dogs and walk in woods and brushy areas. 


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