Sparty has been more and more depressed lately and having trouble getting around so we made the decision to end his suffering tonight. He had a nice dinner with bacon on it and my wonderful vet came over so we could let Sparty go while looking out our front window (a favorite activity). He is buried in the woods behind our house. He loved walks in the woods! It leaves a huge hole in my life, he was so special to me but at 13 with progressive cancer Sparty really had a good life.

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If there is a good way to go for a Corgi, it would be the way you did it.  He had a great life.  Our sincerest condolences...

I'm sorry you had to say goodbye to Sparty but I know its a blessing that you could choose to put him out of his misery in such a loving way.  OXOX

I am so sorry about sparty. I admire your decision to end his suffering. I know some people have a hard time doing that and end up making the dog suffer longer. If I have to make that decision like you I would do it the same way you did. You made the right decision. It may be sad at your end but at his all the pain is gone.

So sorry for your loss.  As you commented on my post, we are going through the same thing.  Hershi is also burried in the back yard in the woods.  Mom made a little memorial for her.  They lived the best lives any dog could have lived.

I am so sorry.  Know that Sparty is playing and frapping without pain.  Sending out Corgi thoughts and prayers your way.  Michelle, Junior, and Missy

So sorry to hear that Sparty has passed over the Rainbow Bridge, but I'm sure he's having a grand old time up in doggy heaven, watching over you and your family. Just remember that he had the best owner he could've ever hoped for during his time here.

Bev, I am so, so sorry. I'll be thinking of you.

I am so sorry that you have let your precious baby go but you did the right thing and he is out there some where having a good time.  Lois

Bev, I'm so sorry to hear about Sparty. I was just wondering the other day how he was doing. How wonderful of your vet to come to your house so Sparty could be comfortable and you could enjoy one of his favorite activities for one final time. Cheerish those wonderful memories of him and know that he is watching over you.


Dylan, CoCo, Ruth and Charlie want you to know we're thinking of your family and Sparty.


"I ain't hardley got the words"-Buck Taylor in the western movie Tombstone.

I am sooo sorry for your loss.  It sounds like he had a really great family who loved him dearly!

Bev, so very sorry for your loss of Sparty!  I loved your stories about him.  He was such a wonderful little corgi!  Thoughts are with you as you miss him.  May he frap free at The Bridge.


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