Shedding profusely and changing color normal this time of year?

For the past month or so Tomahawk has been going crazy with the amount of fur he is losing. Everything is covered in his hair! It isn't a problem to me personally since I've gotten accustomed to eating a hair or twenty on a daily basis, but it does worry me a bit. I guess it wouldn't bother me as much if it was just his undercoat, but he is losing his topcoat as well. He also seems to very minimal hair under his armpits. 

His coat has become lighter, and I don't know whether it's due to hair loss or if it just happens as he matures. It's still about 90 degrees over here so I guess that's why he is still shedding it up. I just don't want him to have no protection once it does start becoming cooler.

Oh, I also comb him out everyday so maybe that's part of the problem? How often do you guys comb your corgis?

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Sounds normal to me. He's pretty young isn't he? He may just be getting ready to get in his full adult coat. If you're just using a regular comb on him I think that's okay. I wouldn't use something like a furminator every day though. Honestly I don't brush mine much.

He is about to turn one next month so that may be it. I just use a regular brush, and what I believe is a flea comb to check his skin.

I think I may try to cut down the brushing to 2 times a week, it's just seeing those loose hairs on his back that makes me want to catch them all with the brush haha.

I do feel a lot better now knowing that it isn't a big issue.

I was told around the 1 year mark, corgis go bald basically as they lose their puppy coat to grow the  adult one. As for changing color, lemmy looked red and white when we got him, but now he has black coming in on his back, so that's normal.
Just... get him a sweater? Lol! Best of luck!

I think I might have to buy him one lol! It will at least be a valid reason to give my boyfriend so that he will agree that dog clothing is a necessity haha.

It's crazy just seeing his hair turn from a nice red to a lighter one. I just figured he pretty much had his adult coat now, and that it would just come out thicker as he reached the two year mark. If it's all normal, then I don't mind having the excess hair!

Sounds serious to me.  I've never heard of a corgi losing fur.  I hope it grows back.     ;)

We comb ours every 2-3 months, whether I need it or not (I comb them as a meditation when I've had a bad day).

Normal...probably just time to blow his coat. Bella always looks like a different dog when she looses her coat. I furminate every  few days when it's bad but it should not be done too often as it will pull out the new growth also. I use a rubber brush outside just to get the loose hair out.  

Being new with corgis I'm still learning what's normal lol. I have gotten used to hair coating every inch of my house but recently it seems as if there's three layers of fur on EVERYTHING! I just thought that he was losing so much hair that it was thinning out and that's why it was getting lighter. I also figured since it was getting into cooler weather, he wouldn't lose hair but start gaining more. Now I know better haha. I kinda like the lighter red on him, it offsets the color of his eyes a bit.

Poopdeck's nub changed color three times as he was growing up.

Juno has been shedding like crazy as well. Except now...when I comb him, nothing much comes out but he's continuously shedding! Picking him up=mass amount of hair but combing him =minimal

Yeah, welcome to CorgiWorld. It's about time for your boy to blow his coat...but thankfully I find the first time is the worst (probably because you're not expecting it lol!) The first time Maia blew her coat I freaked. You can back off on the combing everyday.I'm a slacker like most people here, I probably comb out Maia & Moby once a month. I would say ideal is every week or so. Go easy on the furminator, like someone said, because it strips their coats a little too much to do even weekly, I think. Also, corgis start out usually with dark ticking that usually lightens up so that sounds normal. They still grow and change color and body shape for a while after the first year.  All that being said, if Tomahawk really seems like he's going bald  and you're not brushing him, see your vet. 

As others have said, it sounds like he's blowing his coat. It's kind of freaky if you've never seen it before. When Tex blew hers the first time, she looked like a teddy bear with the stuffing coming out of it. I would pull enough clumps when I brushed her to probably make three more dogs.

Tobi isn't quite to that stage yet, but it'll come soon enough. Don't worry. He won't go totally bald. He'll just be a bit uncomfortable until it all settles down. Hang in there! Lint rollers are your friend!


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