Just thought I'd throw this out in a discussion... I have been wondering and I know others are too... is MyCorgi planning a 2013 12 Month Calendar?  I know the 365-day didn't work out, but that doesn't mean we don't all want to keep trying!!  Please Sam, don't give up on us now!!

REPLY BY SAM - Nov 18th

It's ON!!


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Should have a photo contest and then release the calendar without showing who is in it so it's a surprise when you get it.

Okay folks, I'm still on the fence at the moment, I like the "editor picks" route, what's a reasonable time frame for photo submission? Is 1 week good enough?

I would say a week is a reasonable time since there will need to be time for the actual making and mailing of the calendars. 

I also like the idea of "editor picks"

1 week works for me!  You snooze, you lose on this year's photo submission lol!!  Frosty and I are ready to go with our photo!

Although, I think if we are going to go with a no-voting editor's pick with only 1 week for photo submission, then we should get to submit two photos instead of just one!  Not that anyone would have a chance to get in the calendar more than once, but it would give the editor more pics to choose from with the short time frame.  Just sayin :)

One week for submissions works. "Editor picks", not a problem. We trust you, Sam. ;^)

You could choose from what comes in this week and what was already picked out for the 365?

I've got a pic ready to submit, just say the word!

Editor's picks are a great idea, hopefully we can get a cardi or two in the calendar for next year.

I would trust Sam's picks and would buy a calendar.  I was planning to buy a Corgi calendar anyway. 

Sam could just pick the best out of the pictures that were submitted for the 365 day calendar.  Works for me.


I agree...out of 365 there should be 12 GREAT ones and trust Sam to pick the best ones:)

1 week "editor picks" sounds fine to me. Count us in to purchase one.

I ws just thinking about that because in a few weeks I'm on the last page so I totally Agree! I'm in for one if they get printed!

I think whatever Sam decides will be best.
If you decide to go ahead with a 2013 calendar, I will definitely get one!
If isn't in the cards though, well there is always next year. :)


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