Ferris is a tri color and I've noticed that on his back he's growing a few white hairs. Should I be worried?

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My tricolor 3.5 year old female also has a few white hairs scattered among the black hairs.  I wouldn't worry about it.

Nope, it happens. :-) Little anomalies like that happen everywhere on the dog's body, but it's obviously very easy when it's white on black!

I've seen this...the tri I saw had lots of white hair in her black...

Snickers has scattered tan hairs in addition to the tan streaks- her fairy saddle.

Cowboy has some white right behind her legs. She's a BHT pem. Glad to know it's normal.

Molly is about the same, but she gets random black hairs

Hey, *I'm* getting white hairs, and in dog years, I'd be... let's see.... dead.


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