Sammie has taken the fascination of eat frozen dog poop. We do have other dogs. As I know it can't hurt her.... Nothing is worse then a poopy burp from your snuggle bug. The ground is frozen and covered in snow so picking it up won't work. Plz anyone with this experience I would love for her to stop this as soon as possible. Open to any ideas. I have tried not letting her out very long and punishing when she does it. I watch her out there and some way some how she gets to it.

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Take her out on leash and watch her. I'm afraid there's no easy fix for this one in my experience.

I agree with Jane.  The only real way to prevent it is to take her out on a leash and keep her away from it.  My two also enjoy discovering frozen "treats" in the snow when I'm not looking and I just sort of accept it as part of winter.  They aren't often allowed to be outdoors while unattended this time of year.

The other option is to head out and take care of doggy poo right after they do their business so that it doesn't freeze.  Either way, you'll be heading out into the cold yourself.  :(

Luffy has also taken up this habbit!  He views the dog park as a buffet now  =(    

I was going to post on this same issue today. I'm having the same problem with Becca. She doesn't eat her own, but will snack on any other she finds. I walk in the dark often this time of year. It has been impossible to tell if she is sniffing or snacking. One of the people in the neighborhood doesn't clean up after her dog. UGH. The rest of us clean it up or take them to a specific area on the edge of the woods. It seems like right now there is a frozen dog poop every ten feet or so. I feel like the only words out of my mouth are "leave it". This morning I ended up walking in the middle of the street to avoid the poo.

Does Sammie know 'leave it'? It isn't perfect but if you are paying attention it stops them.

She knows drop it. But when it's as delicious as poop it hard :/ she doesn't do this any other season though!

Well, for what it's worth Luke used to do this so we started taking him out ourselves (highly annoying since we have, ya know, a fence!). After a few days of us correcting him rather sternly (I will admit lol) he got the hint. Once in a while I will still see him get the crazy eyes and start to sniff like he's reeeeeeeally tempted, but I can at least call him off of it now.


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