Can anyone give me some tips for socializing my puppy with other dogs?  She has met tons of people and I have taken her lots of places with me, but I'm concerned she isn't getting the play time she needs with other dogs.  I don't know a lot of people that have dogs that she can play with and I want her to be friendly with other dogs as an adult.  We are in puppy class so she gets exposure, but not much play time.  We don't have any dogs parks near us, we kind of live in the county.  She met my friends grumpy old Shih Tzu yesterday and poor Foxy just wanted to play with him and one growl was all it took for her to get the message he wasn't interested.  Lol.  Thank you.

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Have you considered speaking to others in puppy class to arrange play dates throughout the week? :-)

Well one problem is the class is small and the dogs that are in there are a great dane and a malamute that is huge.  So my issue is they can't really "play" with her.  There is a dalmation but her owners said they are very busy and hardly have time to come to class on Sat.  But that's a great suggestion.  I think I found a group about 40 minutes away, but it's worth the drive to me at this point.

Putting the time into it now will save a lot of stress later, for sure!

Socializing really doesn't just mean playing with other dogs. Classes are great so it is good you are doing that even if it isn't dags she can play with. Is there anyone that you can walk with, even your friend's grummpy old dog will provide an opportunity for your dog to learn to walk calmly with another dog. Also, are there any stores you can take her to, I take mine to Petsmart, Petco etc and our local feed supply store. I don't go to many dog parks because I don't feel enough people have control of their dogs at most parks.

Thanks Bev, that's a good point, I guess it is about learning how to behave around other dogs too.

I would say keep checking around at places that do dog training they may do puppy play dates as well. I know my trainer does puppy play dates every Sunday, and they have been awesome.  Also try asking your trainer if they have any other puppy owners that have small(er) dogs that might be looking for play dates. Good luck with your search, hope you find something soon!


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