I was stunned to learn today that Dipper is really a poodle.  It turns out that many dogs get infected at a young age with Corgeniscia Canetitis a devastating virus which causes their leg development to truncate and their ears to enlarge and stiffen, and in many cases lighten the fur to pastel browns and whites.

When this happens unscrupulous breeders often market the dog as a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, but it is a fraudulent claim that will not be borne out by genetic testing.  

If your so-called "Corgi" has Corgeniscia Canetitis he or she will sit there looking at you with what appears to be a smile, ears up, and tongue partially out.  This is caused by adrenal stimulation, a complication involved with the virus; it is also partially related to breathing blockages in the nose.  Pembroke Welsh Corgis (the real ones) are usually a very somber and reserved dog.  

Needless to say my dog's breeder appears to have de-camped and the phone has been disconnected.


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Ha! Nice try. You almost got me. :D

I thought mine were just very large knats being passed off as Pembroke Welsh Corgis.

Is it April??  :)


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