I have to say for the most part I like my neighbors and live in a very dog friendly neighborhood. Becca however is having a problem. There is an apartment building across from us diagonally. The set of tenants closest to us have been having issues and huge fights. Last night the police were there at least twice, and then again when I got home this afternoon. Becca has been very nervous since the roof work here two weeks ago. The activity across the street isn't helping. She is walking around with her ears back and is reactive to any street noise. (not barking much, just very worried)

I have started leaving the television on during the day and a friend is checking on her around noon. Does anyone have any suggestions how to help Becca deal with the neighbors? She hears far more than I do.

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No suggestions for Becca, what you are doing is fine.  What I recommend is rather that you play things down in your own mind, kind of what you would do if there was a bad thunderstorm going on.  If anything occurs while you are home, try to downplay it ( like "these things happen, they will resolve eventually, there is nothing I can do about it, I wish them well, and such).  By distracting yourself, giving Becca a treat, and generally trying to feel less concerned about it all (including Becca) you will go a long way toward helping her downplay it too, as she is very much in tune with you for sure.

Leaving background noise on is a good idea. She may be picking up on the horrible situation with the neighbors, I know that if my husband and I just argue the dogs leave the room so this could be a problem for her. Can you/ or do you close the curtains/blinds when you leave? Put her in an interior room?You're doing all you can do.

I am leaving the windows on that side of the house down if I am not home. (Much to the cat's annoyance...) She knows how to push the curtains aside, but they are closed as well. I run a white noise machine at night while I am sleeping. I may move that and run it while I am at work as well.

I try not to react myself. I am more worried about what happens when I am not home. Yesterday when I got home there was a a lot of yelling going on. I took Becca for a walk and the police where there by the time we circled the block. She is a typical corgi and is alert changes in her world. Her reaction has changed from "Timmy fell down the well." letting me know, to more anxious "OMG!" do something.

The lab directly across the street is reacting to it as well. The lab has taken more of a territorial/protective stance.

What you are doing is good.  May I also suggest a calming collar made by Sentry.  It's an all natural product and works really well, the have them for dogs also.  I had to try it for one of my cats who is a skittish thing.  We added a new kitty to the household and he just drove her nuts...she prefers the company of the corgis to other cats tho she gets along with our female cat because they ignore each other. Someone suggested it to me, I had never heard of it before.  I could see a difference in her demeanor within an hour.  She had the collar on for several days and some how she managed to break it when she was under the covers one night.  She didn't need it after that.  It got her over whatever hump she was dealing with.


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