Just a reminder how important it is to have Benadryl around. On Tuesday we had a stray kitten show up. Wednesday he went to the vet for treatments and all his shots. Wednesday night kitty didn't look good. Called the vet who said he was having an allergic reaction to "something".so since I only had tabs(which is the perfect amount for a grown Corgi...I had to cut this into 8ths and added a bit of water and gave it to him. I really though he might die:( Thank goodness it helped and my kitty who found me is doing great! This works for bee bites and other reactions too. It's a good thing to have in your medicine cupboard! 

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Jane, you and Linda peaked my curiosity on cats. I found a nice forum at this link:


the answer I found most useful was this one:

"Here are the instructions that my vet gave me, when Cleo was stung on her mouth by a bee (she weighed 9.5 pounds at the time.) Her poor little lip swelled up nearly as big as my pinkie finger!

Benedryl (Diphenhydramine HCL) 25mg caplets (DO NOT use 50mg caplets)
1/8 caplet, repeat every 4 - 6 hours as needed.

Benedryl Elixir: comes in two strengths...

12.5mg/5ml - give 1ml, repeat every 4 - 6 hours as needed

12.5mg/1ml - give 1/4ml, repeat every 4 - 6 hours as needed

Benedryl elixir is most often found in the 12.5/5ml formulation, called Benedryl Children's Allergy Relief. Most stores carry a generic. I keep it on hand at all times, for emergencies (in case any of the girls get stung...the wasps are vicious this time of year!) Actually, I consider it an essential item in my "kitty first aid kit".

Anna...that's a good link also along with the one I posted.  My cats don't go out but it would be a good thing to have on hand.  I also have the regular Benadryl or generic (Walgreen's is good) on hand all the time because both Max and I have allergies and his tend to lead to ear infections...heck, mine too.

Linda, It seems to me that it would be a lot easier to use the liquid than 1/8 of a pill, both for dosing and for administering.  My cat is a Maine Coon and weighs 16.8 Lbs. ( just got weighed when he went in for shots) and I could never pill him! He has very definite ideas...   I can give him a  liquid and that's a two person job :-D

I keep the 25 mg. pills for emergency purposes. For the life of me, can't imagine cutting it in 8 parts.  Kudos to Jane! I will look for the Children's version to keep on hand.

It was a real pain Anna but that's all I had! My liquid was out dated so I had just thrown it a month before. I work with meds at work so I am use to using pills and adding liquid so I can have people take them so it wasn't hard but the cutting was difficult as I had to 1/2 and 1/2again and 1/2 again so you can just about imagine how small it was BUT it saved my kitties life and since I would have had to drive over 35 miles 1 way to a store that was open it would have been a lot of time wasted.

Jane, since you work with meds and  people, here is a question:  would it be safe, in your opinion,  to dilute a pill in water and then disperse it that way? ( It would make it easier to divide or give in some cases, such as really small pills, or with animals hard to pill.  In splitting pills, I know that some manufacturers do not advise it because they say the active ingredient may not be evenly distributed in the pill.  Dilution would take care of that aspect too.  Just a thought....

I have difficulty myself in swallowing pills and often end up chewing them, so diluting them sounds appealing.  Some of the pills they give people, I could swear were made for horses :-D 

On another subject, because it's not a pill, my Vet advised me not to split Hearguard Plus because the medication is not evenly distributed in the product.... Since it's not a pill, dilution would not work in this case.

Anna, it does depend on the pill and I would ask your Dr. or vet but I would say a majority of pills could be taken this way. I do know that Enteric aspirin is made to dissolve in the intestine instead of the stomach so you wouldn't want to with that and also pills such as prilosic (sp) that are time released are another pill not to. So it does depend on the pill but we do have to crush several as the people I support either have Gtubes or problems swallowing. If you can crush the pills they also work in a bit of applesauce or pudding just as well. We also open several capsules. I hope that helps with out giving you a yes/no. I just bought a pill pusher for KK and the pill I gave him wouldn't push out(rather a soft pill) so I ended up putting that in water and a syringe to give him but I did check with the vet 1st.

Good points and good options, thanks!

You can also ask if the meds come in a liquid form. The problem if you drink the crushed med is that it has to be stirred often as some of it can sit on the bottom of the cup so crushing and putting on top of the applesauce you are more likely to get it all or use a syringe to shoot it in your mouth gets it all into your mouth.

Got it! Thanks.

Anna...totally agree about giving a cat the liquid rather than the pills.   Too much of a battle with the pills.  I have saved both links to my favorites.

If you have to give benedryl to your corgi pup, is there a rule of thumb per weight?  Or is there a handy web link that someone could post? 

I use 1 tab for a full grown 25# corgi so I guess 1/2 tab for a 12#. You could call your vet for precise weights for a pup with liquid. I used to have it. It is good to have on hand as I have had 2 pups bite a bee/wasp and you sometimes have to act quickly!


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