How do you guys do it? Zeke seems to hate it more and more every week .. he screamed and cried and squirmed all through this last session and I didn't clip the quick once. Nothing, not even treats, will distract him once he feels the clipper touching his nails.

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3 vet techs and the vet to trim Gabby's nails...and she finished off with a pee....OH, I forgot, they had to muzzle her.

OK, she's a yr old....I trim them with no problems....but in the



A grooming table makes all the difference with Becca. I don't have one, so I usually take her to the groomer. I have been tempted to buy a foldable grooming table for myself.

I kind of gave up clipping nails  BUT I figured out a solution that allows for a training session as well as running the nails down. I usually do this after I take Napolean a bath so his nails are soft and easier to run down. I bought some sand paper from the store and glued it to a hard surface (an old book in this case) and trained him to claw at the sand paper. Overtime, his nails trim on their own and the overall experience is stress free if not a bit fun when treats are involved ;)

Thanks guys!  I will have to try the peanut butter suggestion!  Teamwork works pretty well, but then I have to bribe the team member with treats too .. :p Clipping after he's tired out is easier too .. sometimes.  Sometimes it's like a shot of adrenaline and he perks right up.

I worked as a dog groomer and Rosco will NOT let me touch his nails. I try in the tub to distract him and I may get 2 nails before he goes all Cujo on me. I have tried for the entire year I have had him and only once did he let me do his nails.

I take him to the groomer around the corner and he lets them do it NO problem! It's only 4 bucks and I take him every other week. I use to take him to the vet where we moved from and they loved him. They could shave him and groom him no problem but he won't let me take the clippers near him. I'm mom so he acts out for me but everyone else he is a dear for.

When I worked as a groomer we had many dogs who would not let their parents touch them but were perfect angels for us. It is quite normal. Even the ones who got upset and acted out we would distract them and it took two of use but over the course of a few trimmings they were just fine. We had one chihuahua that I remember distinctively that was vicious for her nails with us but as long as her mom left the shop after about a month she was perfect and didn't try and eat us. lol 

The dremel is the best tool ever to file their nails......Maggie happily lays on her back & lets me file her nails because she knows that as soon as I finish one paw, she will be treated.  I proceed to the next paw, finish it & treat her until I have done all 4 paws.

My English Setter will actually fall asleep while I file her nails.....I treat her when I'm all finished.

There is loads of information on-line about introducing the dremel to your dog & how to begin.

Good luck!!



We had one at the shop and he would go nuts if i touched him yet he let the vet use a dremel and was an angel for them. When they told me they used a dremel I thought for sure the next thing was going to be he bit them. lol but they said he was perfect and i was shocked lol. I thought the dremel would work better for him but he doesnt' like when I do it. I'm mom which makes me feel bad :(

I want to get a dremel and try it again with him at home. It is a pain to take him to the groomer to let them do it when I am very capable of doing it myself!! 

I will have to try it daily and see how it works. I only tried it at the shop when he came to work with me for his grooms. He let me take the clippers to his back end once and that was all. I can trim hims paws and arm wings as I call them but only with shears. He will let the vet or groomer use clippers on him but again I'd like to do it since I am capable of doing it and i have the tools plus it saves money!

I will have to try the treat approach with the dremel. I think over time he might let me use the dremel over the nail clippers. 

Do you just do a few nails at a time? I'm afraid he will try and bite at the dremel.

I'm surprised the Dremel is preferred since it has a noise and vibration component, but each dog is so different of course. Sully will let me clip the middle nails without question, but she gets anxious when I do the ones on the outside. I have always taken the time to gently rub her feet whenever I pet her anywhere, but I am not sure what she is thinking since we only met recently and she was an adult when I adopted her. I have learned to take her, for lack of a better word, histrionics-with a grain of salt, which helps, but I am equally careful not to assume she is just overreacting when she acts out in some way. I think she is genuinely scared, but she calms more easily if I respond calmly and follow through with the task when she is kind of freaking out. Of course, that works for us, and it may not work as well with others.

Al used to scream like I was amputating his nose.  He's still a bit touchy, but I can clip him without assistance now.

I used to need someone to hold his hand and distract him.  

I have used a flat file to smooth nails.  I've occasionally disassembled the guillotine clipper to sharpen the blade on the edge of a whetstone.


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