As you all know, Jonathan and I settled on the name Dodger for our corgi pup. The only problem is he's just not getting it. He's completely uninterested whenever we say the name and doesn't respond to the name at all. We've been trying the Name Game with him and we've been saying the name to him every chance we get. Still he's doing nothing but ignoring us. Now, I've always been a strong believer that animals choose their own name and I was wondering if "Dodger" isn't the right name for him. I sat down with him and said "Ludwig" (for Ludwig Van Beethoven since it's literally the ONLY music he actually likes and falls asleep to) and he came and crawled right up in my lap and actually responded and showed interest. So I'm a little confused and would really like some opinions from fellow corgi lovers. Do you think this is just a phase for him, do you think we should keep using "Dodger" or switch to "Ludwig," or any other thoughts; I'd really appreciate the help everyone and thank you in advance.

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Welcome to Owning A Corgi they do have Selective hearing.

He understands as long as you squeak a toy or clap your hands twice, but other than that he tunes everything out (especially when our cat is around).

Our dog thinks her name is bonnie NO, cause that's all we ever say to her lol.

I always let my furbabies pick their name. We pick a list of names we like and see which name they like. It may sound strange but it works for us everyone comes when called.

Thank you! I thought I was pretty weird on letting all my animals choose their name. It's good to know I'm not the only one who believes in that method.

We've had to do that a few times also...they just wouldn't respond to the names we picked and or once we had them the name didn't "fit".


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