Hi everyone. I will be receiving my corgi on Monday! But I am still indecisive in picking out a name. :( I wanted a funny name so I chose Wee Man at first but then I'm not so sure. I want one that's cute & funny but not one that sounds so smothering. A name that I won't get tired of :) not so long & maybe one mocking his shortness. I'd like to hear all of your opinions! Thank you!

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Keep it a short name or a name that you can easily shorten...it's easier for them to respond to.  Have some ideas you like but give it a bit and see what he shows you his name is.  If you are registering him with the AKC then his kennel name can be whatever you want, his call name can be totally different.  My Irish Wolfhound was Windchaser Stilgar but his call name was Duffy.

I would come up with a few you really like and then when you get him take a week or 2 to decide. I found that naming them before I get them doesn't work well because the name just didn't fit. Many of mine have Welsh names at least in their AKC name. You can look up welsh names and meanings on the internet. I also like to do a "play" on names. All my AKC names start with Weihe(pronounced "why" and then go from there. Ex: Weihe Rhiannon Reigns = why the queen reigns and we called her Rainy. It's fun...just take your time and find the perfect name:)

One of my friend's calls my corgi 'Stilts' mocking his height. I thought that was cute. 

Try shouting your top picks and see how they sound. You'll end up calling for him and you don't want something that is hard to understand or hard to say quickly. Pick something that is fun for you too. My husband and I love Harrison Ford movies, so we named our corgi 'Indiana Bones.' That's too long for a call name, so we call him 'Indy.' Have fun with it!

 We just adopted a year old Corgi from the animal shelter. They told us his name was Rockefeller. But he did not agree. We tried a list of names we liked. I really liked Copper, widget,and Peanut to go with Butters (our other Corgi). He did not respond until my daughter yelled out "run Crash run" he came right to her liked she had called him. She was playing Crash Bandicoot a video game. That was three days ago and now he comes every time. Pick some names and try them when you see his inner self. I think Klepto would have worked because he picks up every thing and puts it in his crate.

Dog in Welsh is ci, sounds like key. So Wee Ci? Weeki?

If this helps at all...our older Corgi (1 1/2) is Howard Johnson Jensen...yes, HoJo (Howie). But actually, his breeder's last name was Johnson so it fell into place. When we got our second Corgi we decided to stick with the hotel theme and named her Holli Dianne (Holiday Inn) Jensen. ;) 


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