**Tom is back from the vet! He had two drains put in, one for each puncture wound. In true corgi style he is still smiling! Thank you everyone for the well wishes!!!!**
(Tom asked that I not post a photo of his wounds so as not to reveal any corgi weakness ... he also says you should have seen what that pitbull looked like after the fight haha ... sure, Tom)
So on top of Tom's anxiety of being in a new state/home, today he got attacked by an off-leash pit bull at the park. Some guy was walking his pit bull off leash at the park and from about 30 feet in front of us the pit bull went from walking to charging straight at Tom. It was horrifying. I don't know how long the attack lasted but I was in a complete panic, trying to pull Tom away. My roommate finally was able to wrench the pit bull off.
The owner was very apologetic, but little good that did. We took Tom to the vet immediately and he has two deep puncture wounds, one on his little leg and one on his chest area. The vet gave him an antibiotic shot and I am taking him in tomorrow morning to have a drain put in the worser of the wounds.
Poor little guy was a champ though ... and when the offending owner came to look at Tom, Tom even kissed him on the face. Tom is corgi-ing on, just one more story to highlight how ignorant people are that walk their dogs off-leash :(
Hi Lois, he is being his crazy, ornery self this morning! I imagine he'll probably be barking tomorrow when I leave again ... hopefully that behavior will subside soon! After school we go back to the vet to get the drains taken out :)
Well I think it sound good for him if he is acting crazy and ornery. Hopefully, the infections from the bites are under control and he can be himself. Will he sleep alone in his crate now? I hope you both continue to adjust and come to like AL.
I think tomorrow night I will try to put him back in the crate ... i know he'll bark for a while, but it will be for the best! I was with him on the floor again last night because he wakes up and starts licking/biting at the drains ... I just wanted to keep an eye on him!
Poor Tom :( Both of you will be in my prayers. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and Tom keep corgi-ing on :)
thanks so much!!!!! :)
poor tom! im glad hes ok. he sure is a handsome little guy:) im so sorry this happened to you. did the owner of the pitbull know that he was dog aggressive?
Hi Rebecca! The owner said that he didn't know and that she had never acted that way before. In this case she was just trotting down the trail and then started running like a bat out of hell straight at Tom. It certainly could have been worse! I just hope this guy doesn't let it happen again!
Hope all is well for you and Baden! I still get sad thinking about Teddy's story :(
thank you Laura, i was just thinking about him yesterday and couldnt help but shed a few tears when i looked at his pics. i still cant look at a lot of them as i get flooded with memories but Baden has been keeping me busy and sure has a big heart and reminds me of teddy in so many ways. we are doing very well and settling in CA. Baden loves it here as now theres new smells and places to go lol
i really hope that guy dosnt take a chance lets his dog off the leash again, i mean there are leash laws for a reason. i just hope Tom makes a speedy recovery :)
Beth, and I would guess this pit WAS under 2 years old - she was pretty skinny and did not look full grown yet! I am hesitant of ANY dog off leash now, be it a Rottweiler or a Chihuahua :(
That fits with Al. He never exhibited dog aggression until he was... almost 2? Caught me totally by surprise. He has never drawn blood, to the best of my knowledge. I can't trust him with other dogs. Even a corgi can do damage.
John, I can't trust Tom anymore either … since this attack he definitely has a different attitude with other dogs. He totally ignores them when they walk by but if they make any motion like they want to play or come at him, he has an adverse reaction.
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