Just a couple of questions if anyone has experience with either:

Hi:  This site has been so helpful I decided to post a couple of further questions : :-)  Thanks in advance if any of you have any experience/info:

  1.  Had to take my little corgi Ella (6 months soon)  to the vet for an ear infection yesterday.  He treated her with cleaning and Baytril,  but also gave her a vaccine for  Leptospirosis -  once again,  I read too late that it is controversial and some vets advise against it.  She seems OK  -  have any of you had experience with this vaccine?
  2. While at the vet she was combed and bathed (as per my request,  as they have an on site groomer)  and am now noticing her color has lightened considerably:  I bought her as a "Red Pembroke Welsh Corgi" and her head and ears still do look red, but her body Has lightened to a very pale tan (actually as a puppy it was this way ,  as per my Avatar,  but had darkened up.  Now light again)---I guess color changes are to be expected?  THANKS MUCH :-)

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Yes,  I think that is the way I took it:  And the times when I have gone to the ER for pets place,  I always assumed they knew better than I what to do,  and I wanted to be out of the way and let them do what was necessary.

I can see how with some pet owners that it would be a good thing not to have them in the room.  Heck, I can remember them throwing my mother out of the ER when I needed stitches in my foot when I was kid...I was more upset when she was there.

But like Beth I am very aware of what each of my critters..cats and dogs...are like and I will inform and defer to the vet in the treatment room.  The only dog I didn't obedience train in the past 33 years was my first corgi.  I got him as a rescue and he did have issues.  I had a lot of work to do with him in just the home setting and he was not sociable with other dogs.  He was also the only dog the vet has ever had to muzzle, he was not fond of Arnie because he could see that he was capable of biting.  The first time I brought Max in his comment after the exam was that I had a really good corgi this time.

I also had a cat that would try to rip your face off rather than submit to an exam.  What a holy terror she was.

Yes,  my American Eskimo dog was like that,  Linda:  Really sweet with me,  but really would not hesitate to bite the vet and technicians:  they did muzzle him,  and I often was glad not to be present as I knew the whole struggle would upset me and there was nothing I could do.  

Susan....I would stay with Arnie.  I would hold his head and keeping him looking at me and talk calmly to him, that did help some.

I guess I was too quick to always allow them to take my pooches and other critters while I stood back.  :(

WOW...I can't believe how many vets take dogs in alone...the only time I would be for special tests or  Xrays. Wynn loves the vets until he gets into the exam room and yes, he does need to be muzzled for more than a routine exam but I might be more like Linda and I have the right to be there unless I will be in the way.

When Wynn ended up in the ER it was the vet and myself...he was muzzled and I held him while the vet stapled his wound he had reopened.  TWICE:( (he proceeded to pull every staple out when he got back on the floor the 1st time:(

The vet tech has called me "competent" or something like that so I am assuming that not everyone is/can do this. I have a good relationship with my vets and they don't always make me bring the dog in when I ask for an antibiotic which I rarely do but they do know what I'm talking about.

I just do basic shots but I myself refuse to even get a flu shot so.....that might be why I do this but I don't like doing extra vaccines without good reason.

Jane...my vets know I don't call unless I have a good reason, they've known me for a long time with many critters in all those years. They have never pushed anything other than the basic shots for them..rabies, distemper, Lyme (we are in a high Lyme area) and Bordetella because we board them when we go away.  Even the cats...they don't even push the rabies for them (they are indoor only cats) except for Gemma because when we go away she stays at the vets because she needs to have the eye drops twice a day and is too skittish for the friend who takes care of the other 2 at our home.

But I do get my flu shot...just had it Saturday and my arm is still sore!

Linda...the reason I don't get flu shots is that the 2 times I have tried them I got much sicker than not getting one:( It's like my body acts the opposite and I get much sicker and it lasts much longer. I know others that have experienced the same thing!

Jane....I know people who react like that.  I started getting it when I worked in a medical office.  It was an orthopedic/prosthetic office but the CPOs often saw patients in the hospital and that's the best place to bring back stuff.  I also worked for a daycare/preschool and let me tell you those little ones are willing to share everything...mostly because parents don't want to keep the kids home...grrrr.  The one year I didn't get it..there was a shortage and I wasn't in a high risk group....I got everything that came down the pike.  I don't know about others but it seems to help keep me from picking up colds and other things that are going around also.

Linda...I worked in a classroom and did bring everything home with me...only time I got strep throat and was sick a lot...you are right that parents don't want to keep kids home or else can't take off work to stay home:(


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