I found these two in the Olathe Animal Control shelter:



I didn't see any listings for animals that had been there longer than a month, so I figure that's not a good sign.  Weeble has been there for 13 days and Wobble for 10. I, unfortunately, have a pet limit where I live and with two corgis already, I'm at my max.  Since they're both estimated to be 8 years old, I'm worried no one will adopt them.  Can anyone help?



I appreciate any assistance and suggestions!

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Oh, I love Wobble...such a face. If I could take her I would but I already have too many dogs!

Isn't there a rescue you could contact????

Hey just fyi...I contacted the olathe animal control and they said that they do not euthanize their animals after a certain amount of time. They keep them until they are adopted. Maybe the lady who told me that was lying, but that's what the person over the phone said. I would love to take another corgi, but our place is too small.

I emailed Corgi Connection of Kansas and Jeanette got back to me saying
she had contacted the shelter and they want to adopt them out themselves but that she would keep an eye on them. Hopefully some families will have room in their homes for them.

Very glad to hear that they will keep them until they are adopted out and that the rescue will keep an eye on them.  Lots of good thoughts that there is a family or 2 who would love to give them a home.  I constantly check our shelter even tho it's a no kill for any corgis.


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