About a year and a half ago, my then 3 year old female PWC Emma ended up at the emergency vet with bloody vomiting and diarrhea.  They never found a cause, but gave her supportive care (IV fluids) and she came home after 3 days.  Since then, every few months she has exhibited the same symptoms, with no trigger that we can discover.  When she starts an episode, we remove all food and give her sucrulfate for 24 hours, after which she is generally fine.  Her vet has done tests and cannot find any cause for these episodes, and aside from IV fluids if necessary there is little he can do that we are not already doing.

Has anyone else dealt with this with their corgi?  If so, what kinds of things do you do for your pup?  I wish there was more I could do for her.

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I have never dealt with anything like that but sending prayers that they can find the cause and a treatment for Emma.  I can't imagine the stress and worry that you are feeling.

Watch her carefully -- is she ingesting anything bad?  in the home?  in the yard?

Remember, like a child, a corgi will eat anything.

I tend to agree with John Wolf, that she is getting into something and it's probably outdoors.  If she were mine she would only go out on leash for many months. If she has a recurrent incident in spite of this, then we're wrong but, if she does not, you'll have your answer.  Best wishes.

Oh  my goodness. What on earth could cause such a terrifying thing? Does the vet have ANY suggestions? Weed killer or bug spray in the yard? Parasite??? Here's a pet owner who was told it may be a seasonal thing, at least in some parts of the country: http://www.whole-dog-journal.com/issues/12_7/features/Dog_16136-1.html

It's common enough that there's even a Wikipedia entry on it. So sorry your pal is sick. I hope this goes away soon and doesn't come back.

Hmmm...  Some people think C. perfringens is involved. I know what that is: it's an anaerobe that's all over the place. Is this dog playing in fallen leaves or rotting vegetation? Keep her away from compost or anything like that. It's also a food contaminant -- it's a common cause of food poisoning. I might wean my dog (slowly!!) to another brand of food, or at least replace the current bag with a new one. It often shows up in chicken...yech. I'd also be very careful about feeding any kind of fowl, whether in the form of real food or as processed dog food.

Wash your hands well and frequently. C. perfringens has been implicated by some imaginative researchers as a cause of MS.

Emma is allergic to grains so we are EXTREMELY careful about what she ingests.  She only gets her food (grain-free sweet potato and fish) and the occasional piece of carrot (which has no correlation to her episodes).  If something drops on the floor, we immediately tell her "leave it" and she always does.  I've examined her vomit and stool during the episodes and found nothing odd.  I don't use pesticides or fertilizers in my yard (which is fenced in), and the compost area is behind a barrier.  The vet has tested for parasites and infections and found nothing.  Her episodes happen year round.  

I'm wondering if her episodes are somehow connected to her allergies (which were diagnosed by her vet).  I just can't figure out how.

Have you tried giving a probiotic?
My griffins just went through an episodes of that. It was very scary! It came on very suddenly with himself vomiting blood and then bloody stool. I rush him to the animal er where they ran a series of test and really found nothing wrong. He got better after three days and they sent him home. Basically the Vet told that they didn't know where this can from and what to do about it besides antibiotics and some medince for his upset stomach. It's been like two weeks and he seem fine. So were just keeping our fingers crossed that it doesn't come back

About a month and a half ago Maya started having diarrhea and eventually blood in her stool, (no vomiting). I took her to my vet. He checked her for worms and all was ok. He couldn't determine what could have caused it other than maybe Maya ate something in the yard. He gave her a shot of antibiotics and put her on some meds for the next few days to help with the diarrhea. She did fine for about three weeks. Then she started having diarrhea again. Before it could get any worse, (blood in her stool) I took Maya back to the vet. He examined her good and like the first visit, he couldn't find anything wrong with her. He gave her some more meds for the diarrhea and told me to watch what she does when I let her run around in our fenced in back yard. He said that she may be eating some plants or something else (lizards or bugs) that's giving her diarrhea. I told him that our other Corgi Brees, does everything with Maya and more than likely eats everything she does and Brees is doing fine. When I got home from the vets with Maya, I went on the internet and started doing some research. I found several articles on the same symptoms that Maya was having and all the articles suggest trying probiotics. I have been giving Maya probiotics since then, about a month now, and she hasn't had any issues since. I also switched her dog food, thinking that maybe the food I was giving her may have been to rich for her stomach. I replaced her current dog food with dog food that has probiotics in it. I hope this can help you out.  

Noodles has been having bloody diarrhea off and on for a month now. I took him in after 2 weeks of him not improving, they said he ate something bad. He was given special wet food, medicine for his diarrhea, a probiotic and we were told to give him pepcid. Well, he was doing well until this pay Saturday morning when I noticed he had bloody diarrhea again! He had only been on his regular food for 2 days. I'm convinced it's his food. He is back to the special wet food for right now and then he'll be switching food. I'm sticking with the wet food they gave me and then I'll get the matching dry as well. Hopefully that will work. I have not a clue what all of a sudden changed for him. I just feel bad.

Update:  We had more tests done at a vet hospital (with equipment our normal vet doesn't have).  Everything was normal except her protein levels.  Based on what they found, they believe she has an extreme food sensitivity.  So she is now on a hypoallergenic food, with NOTHING else.  We will do more tests next week to see if the food is helping.  I'm feeling good about the diagnosis.  We know she's sensitive to grains, so it's not hard to believe she's sensitive to protein, too.  Also, we have switched her food a few times, and the episodes always go away for several months after we switch the food, then come back.  So what's happening is she's developing sensitivity to each new protein over time.  The protein in the new food is processed way more than in other foods.  Here's hoping!


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