For the second time this year Izzy was attacked by a loose dog! I am so angry that I decided to vent to all of you. It was a neighbor dog that has shown a lot of dog aggression in the past and I have talked to him about it and gave him info about a trainer in our area that may be able to help. I have been alarmed lately that I have seen him in the park land behind our house with the dog off leash and my next door neighbor has related a few incidents also. Izzy and I were walking on the sidewalk and as soon as I saw the dog was tied in their front yard I moved into the street but he lunged forward broke the rope he was tied with and was on Izzy suddenly. I screamed and kicked him so he backed off and by that time the owner was there to grab him. He apologized and I let him know that having him tied in front of the house was just asking for trouble. He said I was unfair and that the rope broke so it wasn't his fault. At this point I was furious!! I let him know it was an unacceptable excuse and that I have seen him off leash several times. Later I wrote him a note outlining the incidents I knew about and the ones my next door neighbor had related and let him know that if I hear of any other incident I will report him to Animal Control. I probably should report him anyway but this is a very nice long time neighbor so I want to give him a chance to be responsible. Meanwhile Izzy is fine, he did not break the skin but she was very shook up and I am very worried about how she will interact with strange dogs. I will never understand why someone with an aggressive dog can be so careless. No amount of apologies will make someone whose dog was hurt or killed feel better. Why be so careless?? Ugh! Anyway I feel better unloading!

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I would report them to Animal Control!

In Arizona it apparently is not against the law to leave your dog in the backyard, making it an "outside dog." Assuming you're putting water out, anyway.

A couple months ago I was walking Murray downtown about a block away from home and saw a cop had stopped a guy in a van on the other side of the street.  About that time an unleashed Pit came charging across the street at us.  Luckily I saw him before Murray did and quickly turned him facing the side of a building and positioned myself between him and the dog.  The guy was able to call the dog back and no harm was done, but my heart was racing.  WTF??  The cop was standing right there with an unleashed dog?  I deliberately didn't pick Murray up as that tends to excite the other dog more and doesn't protect either of you...unless you're 8' tall maybe.

What did the cop do about the fact that a pit bull came after you? If he was giving some guy a speeding ticket, I think I'd have complained to the department. On the other hand, if the guy in the van was some kind of a perp who might be dangerous, I'd probably figure his first priority was to keep the human menace under control.

Around here, the cops and the animal control people don't seem to take the leash laws any more seriously than the scofflaws do.

I am guessing he followed him into town off the Interstate as we're just a few blocks away.  Lots of drug traffic down I 80.  It was an older out of state van with a Pit in it...fits the profile.  I don't really know.  In hind sight I wished I had gotten the cops license #.  The guy didn't look like he was giving the cop any trouble...they were both just standing there by the van.  It all happened very quickly and to give the cop the benefit of the doubt, he probably had other things on his mind...but still!  Living downtown can be interesting.  Mostly Lincoln NE is a quiet town with a pretty low crime rate.  I walk Murray outside late at night and feel pretty safe.

"Living downtown can be interesting."  LOL! Ain't it the truth!

Gosh, here we thought of points throughout Nebraska as fairly peaceful!

I hope Izzy is ok Bev; it does sound irresponsible. How large is this dog, since he broke a rope? Scary. I'd be furious too.


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