Kaylee doesn't have too many toys. She's mostly interested in playing with us. We play fetch or puppy in the middle with tennis balls, kong tennis balls, kong frisbees or the Orbee Tuff (below). More recently she just pushes an exercise ball around the yard. ^_^
These balls are a bit big, but work really well as toys outside. I recommend Planet Dog for toys that last. (http://www.amazon.com/Planet-Dog-Orbee-Tuff-Cosmos-Luna/dp/B001GS75GM)
She has a nylabone or an elk antler available most of the time.
Kongs are great, unless your pup is afraid of them. A little peanut butter or cream cheese goes a long way in keeping them interested.
Ropes are used rarely and only under strict supervision during tug or war games. Kaylee did swallow a string, but thankfully she was able to pass it on her own, but it was too scary to let her have access alone.
Soft toys with squeakers make me nervous. Kaylee doesn't just de-stuff but she also tries to ingest the stuffing. We stay away from those sorts of toys. Our couch throw pillows (from a regular store) have become her soft toys though. They were already on the floor when she was a puppy and have been surprisingly tough. She has them around the house for comfort and play whenever.
Honestly, we find that if Kaylee gets in two good exercise sessions a day, she doesn't need that many toys.
Oh and bully sticks are definitely her favorite treats.
Pengu doesn't really have a favorite type of toy. The only thing she really likes is to play tug-o-war. It doesn't matter what the item is--- torn up stuffed toy, unraveling rope toy, sock, it is tug-o-war time!
When she was a puppy she liked Mr. Snake. Mr. Snake could be both dissected and tug-o-warred.
We've bought those hard to destroy "tough stuffies" or hard rubber toys. If she can't grip it well enough to tug-o-war the sucker,she has no use for it.
Growing up with lots of dogs it really all depends on the dogs' personality. When my family had Jed and Cosmo, their personalities were extremely different! Jed was super hyper active and loved kongs, squeaky toys, and big giant bones to play fetch with. He also really adored tire toys to gnaw on when he was bored. Cosmo was more reserved and was more elderly (going blind and deaf) so he preferred stuffed animals and any kind of balls that could be rolled to him. When my mother finally got a new dog this year, we found out that Tootsie Pop is very fond of old shoes and loves ropes to play tug-o-war with people. She also had this thing where she wouldn't play with anything that was more light in color and she really loved playing with this toy newspaper squeaky toy we got her. Also, when I would volunteer at a local dog rescue center in my old hometown, I came to notice that none of them could resist a good frisby throwing. They went nuts for it! Another thing I found that some dogs like, that one sock that you could never find the matching pair to, stuff the bottom of it to make it firm (make sure you tie the top with a knot) and then use it as a tug-o-war item or to play fetch with. It helped me out a few times when I had to work with a few dogs who weren't very interested in playing with people. As for with Dodger, we haven't discovered what he likes yet. The only thing we've really noticed so far is he likes to nibble on people's fingers and likes things that jingle (he kept trying to eat my keys, silly puppy).
Hey guys,
I know I'm late to this discussion, but I have a 1 year old Corgi/Cattle Dog mix named Inara, and I did use this discussion for reference when buying her toys!
I do have some to add that I've found mine likes, and that have lasted a while.
First one was the Honeycomb Big Bone from SmartPaw. It's a flexible rubber bone, but has stood up to her chewing. It has a pattern of honeycomb holes in it, so I like to stick bits of pupperoni or some peanutbutter in the holes.
Our English Bulldog did take a chomp out of it, but past that, there has been no further damage to it, we've had it for about 6 months.
She's also a big fan of the Kong Jelly line. A word of caution with these toys though: the squeak mechanism comes loose very easily. I'd recommend taking it out before giving it to your dog, but that's just me. Inara is a picker when it comes to chewing though, so it could just be her.
And lastly, she loves her Everlasting Treat Ball from Starmark. You can buy biscuits that fit into the ball and will last her about 2 days. You can also fill it with treats or kibble and use as a foraging ball, or do both! So far, we've had these for about 4 months. Both Inara and Bruiser (the bulldog) have one, and they are showing no signs of wear and tear. The biscuits are expensive if bought in a store, but fairly reasonable on Amazon.
hope these help too!
Thanks Lee Y. I just ordered the honeycomb bone, looks great! My Cardigan Corgi loves all the Kong toys, the jelly ones and the hide a treat types. He also likes his antlers and has several "Chuckit" balls for play outside and inside. His all time favorite toy though, is the TENNIS BALL! We bounce it to him and he catches it. His is a master at catching the ball.
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