So I have been working to help Sully feel more secure and, in essence, helping her "grow a set" in the year or so since her adoption. I am happy to report she finally seems totally relaxed and content. On a less positive note, Sully has recently, VERY recently, become a naughty, mischievous toddler, especially in my absence. She MAY or may NOT be smarter than I so L try to limit her access to things. Today I went out for about an hour. I arrived home to find Sully had opened an opaque Tupperware container and eaten (A lot!?) of kibble stored within. It was a container I have not used since she moved here and, as I mentioned, it was hard to see through, so she had no way of knowing what was in it. Recently she also managed to open my back pack, snitch a lollipop, and CLOSE the zipper. Since she never did this before, and the foster/shelter care providers said she never got into anything, I am surprised at the level of interest and determination. I am VERY happy to see her feeling brave enough to "act out" but the sudden change is still a bit alarming. Is this typical of many corgis? I have been limiting her access to things on a daily basis. I even posted the poison control number. After today's kibble pig-out I was even afraid to feed her the evening meal. I may be overreacting. Should I monitor this "older-puppy" behavior as carefully as I am? Sully really is perking up ever-so-slowly so I think I need to be cautious, but it may just be typical pup behaviors I am just not used to. Thanks, as always for your expertise!

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Don't underestimate your corgi's nose! They can smell tasty treats wherever you have them hidden! I wouldn't over-react to Sully's new antics but I would make sure that the house was puppy proofed to the point that she can not reach anything that you don't want her to put in her mouth. I've had to put toddler locks on cabinets, and make sure nothing is near the edge of a counter or table or my dog will find it and make off with it. She is a thief! I put my purse where she can't reach it or she might get the gum I keep in there. To me these are normal precautions that aren't to difficult to adjust to. Glad to hear your pup is coming out of her shell. :) She sounds pretty normal to me!

Thanks. It is good to hear she is normal. I have a low shelf that held several canisters of flour, sugar, coffee and such. She ignored it completely for so long. Yesterday she got into some of the canisters so I moved them all out of reach and replaced everything on the shelves with sturdy canned goods. Beans and tomatoes and such on the top shelf and 30 or so cans of her dog food on the bottom shelf. Today I came home to find much of the dog food on the floor. At least that is safe. All the changes in her are not what concerns me so much as the very sudden nature of the changes. She turned, literally overnight, into an unpredictable puppy. Actually, I never had a puppy so I guess maybe she is just becoming a normal dog. As Anna noted, she probably didn't intentionally close the zipper on my backpack, but I wouldn't be surprised if she did it accidently trying to snag herself some more loot. I am happy she is coming into her own, and developing her scarier, curious side. I will need to be a hyper-vigilant overseer in the happy chaos with my large family over the holidays. Thanks Susan and Anna I will try to be more aware. Back to puppy-proofing!

If the zipper of your backpack was closed when you found the missing lollipop,  I would look for another explanation.  The chances Sully opened the backpack, took the lollipop and then zipped it closed are slim to none.... If I'm wrong, she has a career in the movies.

Oh yeah...make sure she can't get into the coffee, it's dangerous to dogs.  I've had 3 corgis but none have been puppies.  My first corgi, Arnie, managed to get into my was hanging on the closet doorknob.  He took out my small bottle of aspirins that I carry in my purse.  Thankfully he didn't get it open but that wasn't from lack of trying.  My purse now gets put into the cedar trunk where I keep my shoes.  The 2 I have now are noisy and will get into things...and they are 10 and 12 years old.

You might have a mouse... just a thought.  A mouse could give her the motivation to search through those shelves.  Sudden behavioral changes in adult dogs usually have some specific reason.

Interesting, I'd rather have a dog that became psychotic than a mouse! Just kidding, but yuck! We do live in the woods in the middle of nowhere but I haven't seen a mouse, yet, which is surprising. We have had every other kind of critter, including baby snakes, in the house, which scared both of us! She also started bringing her stuffed dog to the door lately when she wants to go out, though she usually leaves it just inside he door. She did spend some time in foster care before I adopted her. I wonder if some old behaviors and tricks she learned are just coming back to her now. Before she came here I asked if she got into things and if I should move wires and such out of reach and they laughed at me. Said she likes blankets and pillows which she only sleeps on never chews. She doesn't even blink when the smoke alarm goes off, but we did have a three day long N'oreaster that was at its height for two days while I was just down the road at school. I didn't notice much when I was in class, aside from some fierce wind and rain, but I wonder if it may have brought some thunder and lightening. Sully is usually okay with almost anything as long as she can curl up near me. Perhaps she got spooked while home alone. Hmmm... dog behaviors are so interesting. We are off to stay with my daughter's family and her large lab. Hope she behaves well there. The weather here is great, but I already removed two ticks from my coat. Fall fun!

We're almost on the NY/MA border (have family near Boston) so we got hit with that nor'easter also but not quite as bad as eastern MA did.  It was very windy here and I know it bothered Max...he does not like the wind, along with thunder and fireworks.  Running over him with the vacuum cleaner is fine tho.  Weird dog.  Very possible that she did "act out" if she was spooked and you weren't home.


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