Mochi for the most part is getting to the point where she is listening to me more and more. We've been taking her to different corgi meet up's, to the dog park, and to play with the other neighborhood dogs everyday. So she is socialized. This just started a couple weeks back but she will start almost attacking other dogs, but in a annoying playful way. This doesn't happen all the time but mostly will only do it to 1 particular dog. Mostly she will start jumping forward and nipping at their ears. And its only to certain dogs, dogs that seem to be more submissive. Some barking but not fighting. I know what that looks like since some other dogs have attacked her, her body language is not stiff its playful body language. She will jump up hop down and bow then keep doing it over and over again, mind you i'm talking about Mochi and an 3 year old Golden Retriever. And its always the same dog. I think that she's trying to initiate play but i'm not sure. She did this also to a lab puppy at agility class and the teacher actually commented that its "rude doggie behavior" for Mochi to do that. What I have been doing is when ever she starting this behavior, I say no. I try to grab her to give her a time out but she keeps jumping away from me and jumping toward the dog. Yesterday she did this again and one of the other dog owners mentioned that we should try to curb this behavior. Should I start brining a spray bottle since I can't grab her to put her on her leash for a time out? Is this normal behavior for a 1 year old corgi? I'm not sure how to deal with this.

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I think seeing a trainer is a good idea.

I'd try to avoid the Golden if you can too in the meantime until you develop some tools to call your dog off when he starts bullying or annoying another dog.
Thanks, we played with all the dogs last night. She was fine, I was able to distract her and call her over when she tried to go play with that particular dog and direct her attention to other dogs. But this morning we saw the same dog he was off leash but i didn't let Mochi off. When he came over to say hi she wanted to jump up on him like usual. I told her no and made her sit and stay while i said hi to the other dog. She wanted to get off the leash and try to bully but I didn't let her. He left and 2 Bernese Mountain dogs came to play I let her off leash, since she's never done that behavior with them. She was fine. But i will ask the trainer when i drop Mochi off at Doggie Day Care on Thursday about her behavior and to watch her.
Bailey does the same (annoying) ear-attacking thing to my friends German Shepard/Husky mix and my other friends' Lab mix. Both are older females who do NOT want to play, but be left alone. But.. Bailey likes to annoy them and jump on them and initiate play. I think he's just being an annoying kid when he does it. The only thing I do to curb the behavior is basically interuptting it (toy, etc) or seperating them when it happens. It's gotten a lot better now, he only does it occassionally when i go to either friends house..

It definetly is ONLY certain types of dogs (well only two out of hte hundreds bailey has met.. lol).. I don't know how they pick and choose - Bailey usually just goes for the lazy older females who don't want to play - and i just realized this usually happens at my friends house, as opposed to outside. Bailey gets along super well with all dogs we meet at the dog park though.

Anyways.. In no ways do I think this is violent/aggressive, etc… I think our corgis can just be just a little (yepp just a little) annoying sometimes. =P I am sure Bailey will certainly grow (and mature) out of the behavior as he ages. He's now 8 months.
That sounds exactly like what Mochi is doing!! She keeps singling out just 1 dog... It's really weird. She plays fine with other dogs!
yepp bailey just hops up and down, chases them and trys to like "attack" their ears, but hes not really attacking - just being annoying about it. =P

i dont think bailey needs a trainer though.. he plays SO well with other dogs!
yeah when i say "attack" there's just no other way of explaining it but yes Mochi does that exactly its more annoying and out of the request of my neighbors that i want to curb this behavior....
does it look like a little hop against the other dog with little love bites? because thats what roxi does.. she never actually bites the dog but its like a herding tequ. thats bred into her.
Yeah, Theo does this kinda, but it I call it chewing rather than biting. Sometimes he gently nips my ears and jumps on my head when we're playing. It's very gentle and totally in play.

I always follow the lead of the "attacked" dog. If they're playing along, then the other dog obviously doesn't have a problem with how your is playing. If the other dog starts trying to leave or starts whining, I make Theo stop. But if the other dog is playing right back, what's the problem?


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