With heavy hearts we sent our Maddie girl on her way yesterday.   She had DM and did great with her cart for nine months, but it was starting to move into her front end.  She had gone from needing nail caps in front, to a front boot, and more recently to stumbling and falling sometimes as her right front leg gave out on her   She was coughing when she was drinking as well.  We did not want to wait until she went down completely in front and so we decided to let her go while she was still happy.

Deciding when to finally stop with her is one of the hardest decisions I've ever made in my life.  On her last morning she played with a squeaky squirrel, had a nice big dental treat, went out for a little toddle in her cart, and got fussed by one of her many, many fans.  

Having a DM dog was not the life of tragedy that I would have believed by reading about it beforehand. On the contrary, there was a certain sweetness to taking care of her and a series of lessons in watching how cheerfully she faced adversity.   

But the end is hard, because I have never in my life euthanized a happy animal before, and rather than a mercy it felt  like I was just killing a dog who very much still wanted to be alive.  We wanted to spare her what was to come, and in my head I know we did the right thing.   Still it is a hard thing to have your dog still smiling at you and looking for more turkey and chocolates as the sedative takes hold. 

We will never forget you, sweet Madison.   You faced life with joyful abandon.  We miss you terribly and are so grateful for every moment we had.

Run free, brave girl.  Forever in our hearts.

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I'm so sorry to hear about Maddie.  I had to make a similar decision in May with my guy Bert - he was 13 and was losing control of his back right leg.  He's get a bloody toe where the side of it was scraping the ground because of his wobbly gait.  He also seemed to be experiencing doggie dementia where he'd stare into space and bark at nothing for extended periods of time.  Worst of all, he started getting much snappier to the point where I constantly worried about getting bitten when I picked him up (especially since I had to carry him up and down the stairs).  But when he was having a good day he'd be just like his old self - trotting around (as best he could) and being silly and snuggly.  It was an impossible decision to make, but after he bit me twice in one day I decided it was time.  He was clearly suffering mentally and it was taking a toll on me and my other Corgi, Jake.   I'll never forget that day at the vet - Bert was very calm and the vet was fantastic, but I couldn't help but question whether I was making the right decision.   I miss my buddy a lot, but I think I did the right thing for everyone involved.  I hope so, any way.  

Beth, I am so sorry and heartbroken to hear of your loss.  Wishing you, your husband, and Jack lots of healing thoughts.  Maddie will be missed.

It was nice to read your reflection on the disease.  Bravo to you for handling it with so much poise and perseverance. (And Maddie too, of course!)  Many of us will look to you for inspiration, should we also have to deal with this in the future.

Take care!

Oh Beth, I am so sorry to hear this. Thinking of you.

That is tough. It's wonderful, though, how you made her life good even toward the end. I'm really sorry for your loss.

What a sweet baby girl, your Maddie. My heart goes out to you. /Hugs.


I also remember Alice...
So so sorry for your loss :-(. I suspect we all dread the day we may have to make that decision or at the prospect of losing our fur babies, they aren't with us nearly long enough! Maddie was a very lucky girl, not only because you took such good care of her but because you were willing to make that difficult choice. I love that picture of her running - nothing quite like that corgi smile.

Beautiful Corgi .......... wonderful photo ............ love the smile .......... know she was loved and had a wonderful life.  Sorry for your loss but glad she had you in her life.

I am so very sorry.  She was beautiful and I know you miss her very much.

What an awesome picture of Maddie!!!  So sorry for your loss, one of the hardest decisions EVER!  Frap free of pain at the rainbow bridge Maddie and say Hi to Lance for us.  (((( HUGS TO YOU)))

Beth, I am  so sorry for your loss. Maddie is in a better place now; you did the right thing. Sending love <3


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