I sing to mine, constantly. Usually about what he's currently doing.
It's gotten to the point where if I start singing in another room, he runs in, jumps on me, and mauls my face with his crazy corgi tongue.
I've noticed he is especially responsive when I sing in an old-timey Frank Sinatra-esque voice.

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I dunno if this is weird amongst dog owners, but my brother finds it very bizarre that I wipe his butt regularly. Not in public, mind you, but at home every few days.
I don't know if it is weird either but I do as well. We have special "puppy wipes" like dog baby wipes that he gets wiped down with, esp. around his bum, every few days.
I talk to my dog in public. It gets worse if I'm nervous or feeling shy.
I also talk to stranger's dogs, usually before I talk to the stranger.
Weird, Weird, Weird.
I find this to be pretty standard operating procedure at the dog park, not weird at all.
Definitely not weird.. Gibson knows way more of our neighbors than we do! :) I actually introduced myself to a family that lives across the street from us and they did not introduce themselves back to me..just asked what my dog's name was!
I think my weirdest thing is I get ready w/Gibson in the bathroom w/me.. He'll hear the shower and run up and nudge his way into the bathroom and peek his head into the shower and start trying to catch water in his mouth. He then licks all the water off my legs when I get out..and also the body butter off my legs! Yeah, very weird!
George does the same! He always raids the bathroom when I'm in it, and he just lies there while I shower. Also loves to hang out w/ I'm doing my business (that's what George and I call it). I've heard it's pretty standard for dogs to do though. Just weird to us humans.
I do that with Grover too!! It started when he was a puppy and I couldn't trust him around the house with out supervision! Now, he just hangs out and noses the shower curtain!
When I lotion my legs, I have to do it someplace that he can't get to my legs while I lotion or he will try to lick it off!!
I sing to Spencer too. I make up songs....we have a good morning song, a poo song and misc. others that I make up as I go along. Its super annoying to my husband, I am sure considering that I am tone deaf!
Seriously? A poo song? I've GOT to hear the words for this. LOL
When Moira and I ride in the car, we sing along to the radio and I make up lyrics for her.
I do that, too!


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