My Corgi isn't very affectionate. Did I do something wrong?

This has been bugging me for the longest time! My little guy, Oodeveer is over a year old and has NEVER been very affectionate. He hates to be held, will only allow me to scratch his neck or pet him for a short time, doesn't follow me around, won't lick me and just doesn't seem to "love" me like I've seen other Corgies do. Addie, his little sister is about a eight months old and is the exact opposite, she's very loving, likes to be held and cuddled and will follow me all around the house. Oodeveer is a smart dog and is very well behaved, doesn't have any aggresive or unusual behaviors, gets along well with his sister and is very friendly with strangers but he's just so ultra independent. I know dogs' personalities can vary from dog to dog but it bothers me he doesn't show affection like most other dogs. It seems he really hasn't bonded with me. Is this something unusual?

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Well, my Superstar is not affectionate with me. In fact, she bites me a lot and tries to bark at me all the times. On the other hand, she is very affectionate with my boyfriend and never bites him. I am the one putting the discipline on her and not my bf. :(((
Thanks to everybody! I feel much better now that I know this isn't unusual.
It's definitely not a male thing, Gibson is incredibly affectionate...he will even sit on my lap like he's a cat!
Tucker has the two foot rule also. But the two foot rule doesn't apply if I am sick. When that happens he is glued to me. I suffer from migranes and he knows before I get one. He will sit next to me and just look at me and when I lay down he will lay across my chest, as if to try to will me to be well. Bob has tried to get him off me and Tucker will not leave me until the migrane is over. Then it's back to the two foot rule! LOL I respect that part of his personality. I have had three Corgi's in my lifetime and they are all different. Tucker's full brother, Murphy was very independent, but loved to be cuddled and spend couch time together. And Otis was a cuddler and not independent. So I have just learned to go with the flow and let them be their own dog.
Charlie is 6 years old and has just turned into a cuddle bug in the last year. He now whines to get in bed and have cuddle time with Mom and Dad every morning. We lost our sheltie last year and he was our velcro dog. Maybe Charlie is trying to make up for the loss? Who knows, corgis can be very odd. Charlie has always been a very friendly greeter to visitors and he insists of being paid attention when we first come home, but thats about it. He has never followed us around and will often times ignore us or even hide when he doesn't want to do something. But we LOVE, LOVE, LOVE him. In fact, my husband just said the other day that he wouldn't mind having a whole herd of corgis!
Caleb is from Oklahoma, and he's not a super affectionate corgi. When he wants attention, he'll leap into my lap and dance about until he's quite SURE he has my attention, (which never takes long, as a 25 pound dancing corgi in your lap is hard to ignore), then he will LEAP out of the chair and find a toy and give me the: 'OK, now that your attention is appropriately focused, please throw THIS'. But other than that, he's not a cuddler and hates being held by anybody except me (and then he'll only tolerate it for a little while). Ever so often he'll help me take nap (on the couch or on the bed) but when he does, he sleeps the opposite direction as me, meaning there's a corgi butt in my face more often than not. :-/
"Ever so often he'll help me take nap (on the couch or on the bed) but when he does, he sleeps the opposite direction as me, meaning there's a corgi butt in my face more often than not. :-/"

Yep, been there many times. At least once or twice a week we'll be on the couch and he'll be lying like that with his rear close to my hip. I'll get sleepy and just lean over to the right where he is and lay my head on his hip and fall asleep. Fortunately, he doesn't mind and will lay there till I get up. About 40% of the time when I do get up, he'll come to me and lie down right up against my it.
Ha ha, I have a good visual of the corgi dance!
Don't take it personally. My Meagan was that way at that she is over a year old she is sooooo much more affectionate but she still likes some of her independence at times. She is my girl and I love to cuddle w/her but am also very grateful she isn't one of those big needy Corgis. Maybe w/some more maturity he'll become more affectionate. Meagan loved to be massaged so whenever she came to sit next to me I'd massage her. Now she won't get off my bed or couch!!! Baron was a bit more stand offish too but as he's reaching a year old he has gotten alot more affectionate too. Some just take longer and as they mature they appreciate us more.
Freya is definitely more cat like. I inadvertently got the dog personality that my boyfriend was going for and he got something more in the line of what I was going for. Of course, I new at 6 and a half weeks that Freya was very independent just by how she greeted me. I shook my keys and she was the first to see what was going on and then she went on about her way. She is still that way, though she will follow me, especially if I'm heading to the kitchen. If I'm upset, she'll let me hold her longer but outside of that, she will only let me hold her for short periods of time.

But the majority of the time she sleeps beneath my boyfriend. The only time she was super cuddly is when she doesn't feel good, then she'll stick to me like glue.
I wouldn't worry about it, you didn't do anything wrong. Corgis are known to be a stubborn and headstrong breed. They like what they like and don't like what they don't like.

Chester has always kissed us......RIGHT ON THE LIPS! he even kisses when we say kiss........NOW, our lil angel, Zorro, never liked to kiss.....he always skittered away when you tried to grab him and cuddle....But Zorro LOVED to sit by your foot and let you rub his chest or back with your foot.......Chester, no way....if he's sleeping near your feet and you move your foot, even if it's inadvertently.....he'll growl and grump.....

Just like children.......Corgis are different, each in their own lovable way.......
Boscoe only allows me to cuddle him at bedtime. He falls asleep in my arms, body under the covers and head on the pillow...just like a human. Other than way. No cuddling. It's some kind of teenager attitude as someone else stated before.
He loves to play with me all day long though, tug of war mostly and he loves a daily belly rub. He'll also walk by and rub against my legs while I'm watching tv, as if to say "If you could just scratch that spot on my back that I can't reach real quick, I'd appreciate it, Mom." Then he walks off on his merry way again.
Boscoe would rather keep watch for intruders on his property than to cuddle with me.


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