I don't think mine sleep at all when we were out. She was crated when nobody is at home. Everytime when we are back she seem relieved and sleep took over. Like now, she was sleeping on the sofa beside me after my trip to the supermkt. Do they really WATCH when the owner is out of the house? She is only 4 mths old and yet she behave like a proper lady. Very different from the day we brought her home. It was like she is back to where she belongs, relax and contented. She was able to go to the cage everytime she need to do her business since yesterday :) (touch wood)

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ein isn't crated anymore so when we run errands he has free range of the house. we can see him open the blinds when we leave but when we come home he always stretches and does his wookie howl. so that means he's been sleeping :) good for him.
What a cutie. I think Nala and Cosmo roam around the house for awhile and then go to sleep. When I come home from work Nala greets me. Cosmo is sleeping sooooo deeply, I have to wake her. (it's ok, she is 12yrs old).
I found a gate with a doggie door in it. We put Casey's crate (opened) in the kitchen with toys and put the gate up while we are at work. If I run short errons I have started to leave him out. On longer errons I put him in the crate. I can not wait until we can just leave him out. I am not sure when that might be. I am afraid he will get into mischief with his brothers and sister.
Gibson always sleeps when we aren't home (or finds something to chew up haha). He always looks soooo sleepy when we walk in the door and it takes him awhile to perk back up..it's a nice snuggle time for us :)
Yes, mine sleeps when we're out. You can use your computer's web cam to monitor :)
Al feigns sleep as we're leaving, but as soon as we're out the door, he boots up the computer and plays video games all day long. Don't ever let your dog get your credit card numbers.
Actually, we always crated the dogs while we were gone. It wasn't until Gwynnie was about 5 yrs. and Al about 1 1/2 that we started leaving them out of the crates unattended. No problems. Yet. We try to keep the house corgi-proof.
They bark at intruders when they are NOT crated. Silent in their crates.

Come to think -- the only times we close the crate doors are when I'm trying to vacuum.
Caleb sleeps while we're out and about, but when he hears us coming up the front steps he moves from wherever he was sleeping to right in front of the baby gate and sticks his nose through the gate with his most pathetic "I've been WAITING for you to come home" look on his face. We discovered this one night when we came back late from dinner and made it all the way in the house before he woke up...we caught him just as he was leaping off the couch and trying desperately to plaster the sad look on his face. Sneaky little booger. Since then we've stopped feeling bad for leaving him for a few hours, and now we've made a game out of trying to sneak up the stairs to catch Caleb sleeping on the couch. :-)
I actually have a Nanny Cam set up so that I can watch watch Griff and Charlie from work. And they sleep ALL DAY LONG! For fun, I call them (check out my video "Corgi Alert System" for the visual).
Charlie sleeps constantly - It's his favorite thing to do other than eat. Since we can't let him eat 24 hours a day, well sleeping is the next best thing. He is 6 years old now and we stopped crating him when he was about 5 or 6 months old? I can't remember it was so long ago. We used to confine him to the bathroom when we left him. He would just sleep on the bath mat until we got home. (less things to chew on in the bathroom) Now he just sleeps anywhere he wants. (usually under our bed)
I don't think Monty sleeps while we are gone either. We used to put him in the kitchen with the crate open when we went on errands and he definitely didn't eat or snack as he would look strung out when we got back and fall asleep on my lap the minute I sat down. Yesterday I left him free in the house as I was going to be gone an hour and I don't think he slept then either just waited by the back door that I left by...poor guy. I hope he learns to sleep so I don't feel so bad leaving him. He is pretty spoiled as I am home with him most of the day and we want to go on vacation to Europe this summer. I worry he wouldn't sleep or eat for a week:-)


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