Hi, I have a female corgi named Rosie. We have had an ongoing issue of poo getting stuck to her back sides, it's usually just a little bit but enough that it needs to be wiped sometimes. We call her little flaps of fur that cover her bum "privacy tufts" because they cover her just a bit. We have taken her in for a "sanitation shave" once but didn't really seem to solve the problem. Any advice?
One more thing, wondering if anyone has ever noticed their corgi's back legs shaking after a long run or exercise. She never seems to be in pain to touch, they just shake a lot and then stop after she is a little rested. Normal or not?

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I agree that unscented baby wipes are awesome but sometimes its really bad. Friday Twinkie came in and had, what can only be called a mudslide on her booty. I was seriously short of time so I threw her in the kitchen sink, wet her down with the sprayer and used antibacterical hand soap to clean her up. Of course that all lead to a scrub down of the sink and nearby areas. I must love her because none of that is a deal breaker for me!
ein was having a little problem with this as well. his poo would get stuck to his little butt tufts and he'd go crazy trying to get it off. so we'd give him a usual wiping with baby wipes and try and brush his tufts along with the rest of him as much as possible. this will help with all the dead fur from remaining on the dog and keeping those tufts in check (not so fluffy). we recently had him groomed and they trimmed this area and cleaning it up which makes a world of difference. so in short...

1. brush the tufts as often as possible (along with the rest of the fur)
2. trim the area to keep the tufts from getting too fluffy
I always have wondered if part of Izzy's problem with this is due to having her tail docked. Sparty has a natural stub and never has this problem even when he has loose stools. Oh well, she gets washed in the sink on a regular basis. My sink gets sanitized a lot!
I only have this problem when Shippo's poop is not solid enough. Ever since I switched him to a better food, he hasn't had any problems. That and I brush his butt fur daily to make sure no poop can get tangled in it.


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