Hey guys, got home remedy that worked for you? I'm trying to stay away from those solutions that you apply on their backs, a lot of users are saying it's too toxic for their pets.

So far I have fed my dogs Garlic clove (dip in salad dressing)
Wash their beds in hot water / high in dryer
Sprinkle salt on the carpet

Got any more tips?

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i was looking through the forums and came across this forum.. i know its kinda old, but does sprinkling salt on the carpet really work, and if it does, do you know why it works? doesn't the dog lick it up also? j/w
Yup, it works, that post was last year and I have experimented with various things since. The combination of salt and baking soda / borax works, it dry up the egg, preventing it from hatching, the baking soda suffocate the flea's exoskeleton.
cool! its good to know that it actually works. i'll try it out. thanks sam
I've been using a sonic bug chaser just above their bed for years. It seems to work. It's been about 3 years since we've seen a flea.
Hi all...funny you should mention that, Sam. Patti and I have a little business, Tank's Trendy Trinkets and Pet Products. We make all-natural flea drops using essential oils for both dogs and cats. (And, yes, one has to be careful with essential oils and cats.) We've been using it for a year on all of our animals. We may see one flea, but within hours it's dead. And, remember, we tend to carry them home on our clothes working at PetSmart!

We recently had a booth at our PetPalooza and sold quite a bit. We're now getting call backs from new doggie owners who took our card and information. Patti's in the process of putting together a website. Oh, and it's safe for puppies, too! If anyone is interested, drop me a message and I'll get back in touch!
Excellent! Let me know when the website is up, I'll feature it and get the word out for ya :)
I want access to your anti flea products online please! That's soo awesome
bathing the dog with dawn dish soap is a good alternative to flea shampoo and it is gentle enough to use on puppies. it does work but you have to leave it on the dog for a few minutes. that one came straight from my vet when i lived in florida.
You can sprinkle Borax or Food-grade Diatomaceous Earth into your carpet and under your couch cushions, and then vacuum up. DE can be sprinkled all over your yard as well, and the Borax can be sprinkled around the outside border of the yard. Food-grade DE is natural and non-toxic, so it can even be put into your dog's food as a natural worm preventative. Borax should ALWAYS be vacuumed up, because it cannot be ingested.

You can also sprinkle the DE onto the dog, like flea powder, and brush out. Best to do this outside.

Fleas also hate certain essential oils, such as Lavender, Cedarwood, and Eucalyptus. I like to diffuse lavender oil around the house, and you can put about 10 drops of eucalyptus into a regular-sized spray bottle of water, and this can be sprayed on dog bedding, carpets, and even the dog. DO NOT use essential oils on cats though.

You can put cedar chips, lavender flowers, or eucalyptus leaves inside your dog's bed.

I stopped using garlic, because it make my dogs vomit, even in small amounts.
Dawn dish soap is awesome to get rid of fleas. You have to use Dawn original though........the other fancier versions they have come out with through the years is not as effective. Its so gentle that you can use on puppies and it only costs $0.97 a bottle.
You can also add some lemon, orange, and lime juice to it. I use this all the time and have yet to see any fleas and it so cheap. My dogs coats are gorgeous too. I use it on all three of my dogs, my corgi, jack russell, and my new lab. Hope that helps
Do you mean like a few tablespoons of the citrus juices? Or half and hallfff..?
A few teaspoons will do. If you get too much it will dry the skin.


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