Help!!!!!!!!! My Frodo was bitten by another dog!!

Hello all. As a worried mom, I am here for help.

My Frodo is 1 year and 3 months old. Last night, my husband took him for a walk before his bed time. An unleashed dog suddenly came out and jumped on him. My husband broke them up and that dog's owner took that dog away.

After Frodo got home, we found a bite wound in Frodo's lower jaw. It was not bleeding, but clearly it was due to a bite.

My question is what we should do. Because everything happened so fast, my husband did not get a good look at either the dog or the dog owner. He doesn't think he can recognize them if he sees them again. So there is no way for us to know the health condition of that dog. We won't be able to know whether that dog has rabies or not. But the fact that he jumped out and bite concerns us a lot. Is that a symptom?

Frodo was vaccinated for rabies last year and actually today is his due day for another rabies shot. So when he was bitten last night, he hadn't been given the second shot yet and was at the very end of his last shot's year. Was his body still immune to rabies?

Importantly, for the worst case, if that dog had rabies, would Frodo be protected if we give him the rabies shot today (after the bite)?

Other than rabies, what else should we vaccinate him against due to the bite?

Thank you very much, guys.

-A worried mom

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Go to the vet as soon as you can. They will tell you what Frodo needs. Good Luck! Hopefully Frodo will be ok.
Relax...your probably fine but make that appointment and get him updated. Sorry this had to happen. I'm finding more and more places banning dogs because of irresponsible individuals not picking up after their dogs or having no control over them. I understand why they do it but angers me at the same time. I like to take my dogs everywhere and now there are only a select few places they can go anymore. =(
To be frank, I am so mad at the person who did not leash his dog. People should be responsible and leash their dog in public area. Frodo is a very very gentle guy. He was totally shocked by the attack and hasn't eaten anything since then. Oh, my heart ache......
I agree, see your vet as soon as possible. The other owner is responsible for your vet bills but even if you knew who he was it is really hard to collect. SHAME on him for not having his dog under control. I had a dog (unleashed) nip one of my corgis and she was afraid of other dogs for the rest of her life. (she was a little shy anyway) So after the medical issues are cleared up you might want to expose him to a guaranteed friendly dog or two. I am always very cautious about meeting up with other dogs while out walking because of my experience but there is only so much you can do. I have let a few people know what I think of them letting their dogs run up without warning though! Good luck to you.
I think right now I am most concerned with the risk of rabies. Due to the fact that the dog who bit Frodo is gone and nowhere to be found, we have no way to test him. What should I do to make sure that my Frodo is protected against rabies? As I said, his yearly rabies shot is due today, we are taking him to the vet to get the shot. Will this shot help to prevent rabies risk caused by a bite before the shot?
So angry at that other dog owner, how can they be so irresponsible! Let us know what the vet says -- I would think his immunity would still be intact. And aggression like that can be a result of a lot of things, so not necessarily indicative of rabies. But you want that wound looked at and properly cleaned and treated anyway --- puncture wounds can need a little extra attention. Good luck, and we're sure Frodo will be fine. But we sure wish we know who that other person was.... Keep us posted, when are you going to the vet?
Poor Frodo. I would have to ask my vet all of these questions. Did you have a chance to ask your vet? I hope Frodo is ok. Please let us know.
Just came back from the vet. The doctor cut Frodo's hair a little bit so that the wound can be seen more clearly (he is now a little funny with that little spot without hair :-) The doctor said the bite barly penetrated the skin and so far it is healing. (I applied some H2O2 on the wound after we found it.) There is no sign of infection yet, so no need of antibiotics at this point. But we need to keep checking to make sure.

About the risk of rabies, the doc said Frodo should still be under the protection of his last years shot. Since his second rabies shot is due anyway, we gave him a shot to boost his immune system. The doc also said there hasn't been a k9 rabies report in our state for years, so the chance that the other dog carrying the rabies disease is small.

I will keep close watch on Frodo to make sure he will be fine, and hopefully everything will be OK.
Thanks for the update! I am glad the report was good. So sorry this happened to you guys!
Probably good to get the wound checked out. I wouldn't worry much about rabies, as antibodies tend to be good and a lot of shots given to dogs are rather superfluous and unnecessary. It is not as if shots protection 'expires' but depending on diet of dogs and whatnot, how well the body built up and maintained the proper resistances is suspect.

As rabies shots are manditory you likely can't get around them anyway, but I generally test my dogs immunities opposed to just letting the vets pump them with boosters. Not good for them, weakens their system.

Glad your dog is doing well and the wound was harmless!
Oh no! poor Frodo! have you gotten him to the vet yet? I'm sure he will be fine, but better safe than sorry.
Glad to hear the vet is so upbeat about it and Frodo's doing well. Shame on that other dog's owner!


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