After Freya has been spayed I noticed a slight change in her personality. She is actually sweeter now than she was before and also she isn't eating as much anymore. Sometimes she will go two meals without any food, she just sits there and looks at it sadly and at me.

I'm not sure what to do. If I doctor it up (which I did when it looked like the third meal time was going the same way) she will eat all the parts that was specifically doctored. I usually put yogurt in it and sometimes I don't mix it up enough. It seems that she will now spend more time trying to hide her food than eat it.

Everything else is fine, she poops normally and she has about the same energy which is why I haven't taken her back to the vet yet.

Could the food be suspect? I notice it looked a bit different this go around (we feed both dogs Taste of the Wild Pacific formula) and it was smellier than usual. I guessed that it was the bottom of the barrel type deal as there was random kibble mixed in as well as it felt grainier too. (Also, our male has been skipping meals too--though that isn't too abnormal for him, even though I thought Weimaraners also loved food as much as corgis do.)

Or could it be the heat that's getting to them? Both have been drinking loads of water, which I suppose could fill the tummy a bit.

They've been eating this bag for a few weeks now (it's taking longer as neither of them will eat it like they used to) and it's getting to the point where I may switch back to Blue Buffalo or get a different formula. Anyone has suggestions or is experiencing the same problem?

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The heat could do it. Our standard poodle did not eat much when it was hot. What does your vet say? That is the only experience I have because my crew will eat anything and everything!
My Maggie is now only eating once a day and its always after our evening walk. She still eats the same amount that she always has eaten just at one sitting instead of two. I know the heat has alot to do with it. She is a tri and mostly black so just a few minutes in the sun and she is hot to the touch. I would check into the food issue though. I had a bad bag of Wellness puppy food about 6 months ago and after I called the company and they checked the numbers on the bag, the food had expired and the store never took it off the shelf. The company sent me coupons for a free bag of food. That company is so great!
Be aware of Blue Buffalo. I switched my dogs over to it about 3 months ago and I just had to take all three of my dogs off of it for strange poo issues. I posted a blog about it last night or you can visit my page and read it there. I put all three of the dogs back on Wellness and the issue has resolved itself. The company will not return any of my phone calls or emails and they also won't return the phone calls from the manager of petsmart where I bought the food. Just wanted to warn you.
The vet suggested that the heat was affecting her appetite. I also changed her food to the Bison formula of TotW and she seems to really like it a lot better than the fish formula. I've been mixing it and she always leaves the fish formula behind.

Amy, I'll check into the Blue Buffalo, I haven't really heard anything more on that though. I heard that Diamond bought it.
I also heard that Diamond had bought Blue. I was shocked about that but then it made me realize that that could be why I had problems with it. I put my dogs back on Wellness but I still don't feel secure about commercial dog foods. I have been searching for a pet nutritionist and found one that taliors a dogs diet specific to the breed. It was very interesting to read about what corgi's actually need to eat however to sign up for the program is just ridiculously expensive. My Maggie is the world to me but to spend thousands of dollars on a written out diet and recipies is just not in my pocketbook. When I read your post I really thought that since the summer heat has begun your precious is just reacting to it. Glad to hear that things are turning around.


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