For the last 3 days or so, it seems that Stanley is not excited about meal time. He used to do a happy dance and be really happy when he saw a bowl of food coming his way and would then happily scarf it down. Now he just kinda looks at it and won't eat it right away. He always eventually eats it. Like after 15 mins or so. I just don't understand it. He had a vet checkup about a month ago and he's healthy. Everything else seems normal. He's still happy when I give him a treat. So is he bored of his kibble? Am I feeding him too much and he's just not hungry? He gets 1 1/2 cups total daily broken into 2 meals.

Any thoughts??

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please have his liver enzymes checked. when an animal does not want to eat, that is a huge warning sign that something is wrong. i had a beautiful doberman that had kidney failure and the first sign was not eatting. so please have the vet check his liver and kidney function with the blood work. good luck! kim k
Hi Kim, That is what happened to my corgi, Buffy about three years ago. We were out of town and my dog sitter mentioned that Buffy did not eat her dinner. I had her take her into the vet that night and she died 3 days later of liver failure. I know how devastating that must have been for you. Bev
As long as he is eating I usually don't worry, Loki slows down on hotter days, or when he feels the need to harass you more than usual
Some dogs lose the edge off their appetite when it's hot.

I checked your profile and I see he's coming on a year old. With his biggest growth spurt behind him (he'll still grow a bit and fill out some) his caloric needs might be decreasing as well. One and a half cups is probably at the high end of the normal range for feeding a Corgi. How is his weight?

Jack's always been a champion eater, but sometimes when it's very warm in the summer he does lay there for a few minutes before getting up to eat, especially if he's on an especially cool bit of the tile. I would watch his overall behavior and condition, and if everything else seems ok just watch and see what happens.
The heat can do it but you might want cut back on the quantity. I have a 10 year old and a 2 year old that get a level cup broken into 2 meals. Sometimes I give the 2 year old a little less because she is more of a couch potato depends on how she looks. I frequently throw green beans or a little carrot in too.I would take them into the vet if they did not eat though. In a corgi I would think a skipped meal might be a danger sign. Some breeds are not that big of eaters but corgis don't usually fit into that category.
This whole post worries me because Talula hasn't been eating much in the past month or so. We've switched her food a couple times because we thought she didn't like it anymore. She usually only eats one bowl a day which is about 3/4 cup. Mostly her food just sits out all day and she doesn't touch it. She eats treats and fruit and veggies, just not into her kibble. She also went through a recent phase of puking once a day for various reasons.. separation anxiety or when we went camping she was eating a lot of dirt. She seems healthy and happy otherwise.
I was thinking it might be the heat. It's been extremely hot and humid in Central FL. He hasn't like completely lost his appetite, he always eats his meals eventually - usually about 20 mins after I set it down. I'm going to try cutting his food down - I think he may have been eating too much kibble. I'll let you know how it goes....

If things seems to get worse, I'll definitely consult a vet. Thanks for the advice everyone!!
About since June Toki's appetite has significantly dropped. I took her to the vet and she said that dogs eat less in the summer. Especially since we live in deep south LA where it's over 100 degrees until the sun sets and our apartment is kinda warm during the day. She eats only when she is really hungry but she may skip a day and then will scarf down all her food the next morning. I also think she is a spoiled little girl though and doesn't like her food because if we say the word treat she will charge the treat bag lol Good luck with Stanley, I'm sure he'll be fine :)
Tucker often takes 10-15 minutes before he eats his food after I put it down. Once he starts eating it only takes about 30 seconds though - ha. I have noticed that he is slower to get around to eating his food now with the hotter weather. If I add something to his kibble - even just a spoonful of yogurt he gulps it down right away.


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