General Topic: What's your number one favorite part of owning a corgi???

We all love corgis....but for what reasons? Just thought I'd start a group discussion. I love owning corgis because they seem to understand you when your talking to them, like their little furry people!!!

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How happy she is with life. A nice walk down the street, a back rub, the warm sun on her face, a squeaky plastic ball; Ella makes me appreciate the small things in life.
I love Midas's temperament. He always seems happy and so excited about life. He is wonderful with all dogs and people. He is just the sweetest thing. Corgi's are truly one of the greatest companions anyone could ask for.
Two words: BUNNY BUTT

Well, that's not really all... I love her sassy little attitude, her intelligence and what a social butterfly she is. She loves everyone and everything and is always up for something new!
Of course there are a ton of reasons to love corgis, but I think one of the best things I like about them is they continue to look like a puppy or teddy bear even as they age and they seem to retain their silliness. My 9-year old still fraps about and plays ball.
Corgis aren't furry little people?? All this time I thought mine were. I love that they seem playful and happy all the time. They are just magical.
I love the "happy to be alive" attitude, and I also love the wide range of vocalizations. Jack makes monkey noises, Wookie noises, deranged beagle howls, and of course his range of yaps and barks. He's a very vocal dog, so thank goodness only about half his vocalizations are outright barking.
How do I narrow this down to one!! I really love dogs and cats (and horses and goats and cows etc You get the idea) so appreciate many things about them but I think the thing that really hooked me is their character. By that I mean there is no blind devotion. They make a choice about everything they do. "Do I mind her, Do I lay on her lap, Do I follow them around from room to room"? They are not to be ignored and I love that about them!
Wow, how do you narrow all these great traits down to one? Gotta go for character - unlike any other dog out there!
I agee its so hard to come up with just one reason why we love corgis. I definately have to say for their character and also like you said, the fact that they are just like furry little people and understand you, sometimes better than you own kids understand you, lol!!!!
I love the way Dyddys nugget will try and waggle like a regular dog tail, and Libby's lack-of will cause her whole bottom to shake. It is ExCELLENT. Plus a long list of other wonderful attributes: the corgi smile, the way their tongues loll out of their faces in a silly manner, plus a gazillion more.
Because their corgis!!!!! What better reason do I need? No, I've loved them since my first one almost (gasp) 38 years ago! I fell in love with the corgi smile. How can you not love a dog that is that happy.
I love how smart he is, or how he makes me look like a retard (I say you want to run, he gets ready, I start to run, he watches then sits down...) or how he puffs out his cheeks when he is flusterred with you.


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