Is there any behavior different to your corgi after spayed or neutered?

Keke was spayed one wk ago at around 7 mths old. She seems to change from a super high-energy dog to a medium-energy puppy. In addition, she can hold her bladder for longer nighttime now :) She will also go into her crate w/o being told (although I think it was b'cos she like it when I covered it up with a big towel blanket). She will come to me asking for TLP (Tender Loving Pat) / TLR (Tender Loving Rub) more then it used to be but I am not complaining... ....

Is there any changes that u can spot after spayed or neutered?

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I can't say Jack changed much at all. Of course as he matured he settled down a bit, but that's normal anyway.

At one week after surgery she probably is still recovering. She has just had her uterus and ovaries removed. You would want cuddles too. :-)

In young males, neutering is minor surgery, but in females a spay is a major abdominal procedure.

Your Keke is beautiful, by the way.
I think you are right. I removed her e-collar today and first thing she did was to lick her paws constantly. I guess it was a miserable week with that e-collar.
We had Sami spayed at exactly 5 months old and saw no change at all. She is still super high-energy, bossy, sassy and as wonderful as ever. But then I did fib to her and tell her that she was going on a sleep over the day I took her in for her surgery. Told the vet she should have given us tranquilizers instead of pain pills because Sami acted as if she had been on a sleep over instead of having major surgery! Forntunately we did not have to use a collar with Sami she never bothered her incision or anything. Your Keke is beautiful, hope recovery and healing are going as good and quick for you as they did for us and Sami.
I would agree that I think with this surgery that she is still recovering and needs to take it easy for awhile longer.I had 2 rescues and one of my own females spayed and they are back to normal but I think it did take awhile and you don't want her to be too energetic for a while!


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