Well, I guess Soffie is resting comfortably after her (and Griffyn, Dawn & my) restless night. Following a visit to the emergency vet after she pulled up hobbling on her left hind leg after a dash across the front lawn and driveway. (Bad mommy.... I coaxed her to run to catch up with Griffyn.) So it looks like a soft tissue injury of the knee. (we're hoping that's all cuz the alternative could be a torn ligament and surgery) She's on rimadyl for the next 5 days, and restricted activity. Griffyn doesn't quite know what to make of the whole situation!!

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Miranda had the same thing happen to her when she was under a year. She kept re-injuring it over the next few months. She did tear her ligiment but not all the way. It takes a while to mend but it does. just don't let her run on sand. IT makes it A LOT worse!
Thanks! We'll definitely remember that about the sand when we head to the lake next month (cross our fingers & paws) for vacation!
Aww, Soffie! I hope she is feeling better and getting back into the swing of things soon!
Thanks! Dawn says she has been laying low today. But she greeted me at the door when I got home, so that's a good sign! She's definitely hobbling on 3 legs but it's only been 24 hours so I'm not discouraged by that at all.
Take it easy Soffie, speedy recovery!
Thanks Sam!
Soffie is at the vet this morning. They are doing xrays to see if there is ligament damage. We're keeping fingers and paws crossed that it's just a soft tissue injury!!
Oh poor Soffie! Lots of people on this site have experiance with the cruciate ligament tear so if that is it you will get plenty of advise. Sparty only partially tore his but there was a recent post of photos of a corgi just out of surgery. Good luck!


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