I got a corgi mix from a rescue and they told me he was a corgi/chihuahua mix. I doubted it, and I don't care much either way. They just said he was going to stay small and not grow too much. He was really sick when I got him, and you could see his ribs and his hip bones, he only weighed 10.4 pounds. The rescue only had him a few days when I came to pick him up. Well after having him for 2 weeks, he had gained 5 POUNDS! He was a fat little boy and full of energy. No parasites, no limp, just happy. He has to be close to 20 pounds now that we have had him a month. I don't care that the rescue might have been off about his mix or his size, I love him. But someone made a face because they assumed he was mixed with a pitbull. He is brindle but his mom was a cardigan. They didn't believe me that corgi's could come in those colors and would not tolerate my dog at the dog park. Am I wrong to be angry with them. He is an angel, even if we was part pit he is wonderful, and I think he is still too small to be a pit mix, he just looks like a corgi with long legs. What do you think?

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Our dog park isn't that big of a place. It is a tiny area, and I go in the early morning and late evening when the regulars come by. So Morgan gets to run around but it is with the same dogs group of dogs every day or so. The park is about the size of a small house, it was land the town could not use so it was sold to this group for the park. I feel safe there, and if there is an issue I remove my dogs. The pet owners don't tolerate aggressive or overly rough dogs there. I am not worried really. There is also a small area for small dogs to go in that is secluded and quiet so I can use that area alone if I want to.
I don't think Morgan is part pit, as I said.

BUT, in response to people who are defending pits: yes, they can be sweet and loving dogs, but even pit bull breeders and pit bull rescue organizations do NOT recommend taking a pit to a dog park, and say if you are having a pit bull you MUST learn how to break up a fight.

Pit bulls might not start the fight, but they will finish it. We have no problem expecting that our Corgis, who were bred for hundreds of years to herd, retain strong herding instincts even if raised properly in a good home.

It only stands to reason that dogs bred for hundreds of years to fight (pit bulls) have strong fighting instincts. Some may be latent, and some may not be very good fighters, but for many generations pit bulls that had no fight drive were culled from the gene pull.

Pit bulls should not be loose at the dog park.

I think this depends case-by-case. Ziggy has absolutely no herding instinct, and I've heard of other Corgis that don't as well. 

While I'm not saying that you shouldn't be prepared in any case and know how to dismantle a dog fight before owning a Pittie, I don't think that JUST because your dog is a Pittie that they can't be loose at a dog park. I've had a Pittie, and he was so incredibly gentle, even when being terrorized by other dogs or by kids. He wouldn't have harmed a living soul, no matter what/who/where/when for whatever reason.

I think people are a little hyper viligant at dog parks because there seems to be so many problems with people not bringing well socolized dogs and then not responding to bad behavoir. I tried the park thing and quickly relized that my dogs were not safe there. I found a lovely doggy day care that they go to once a week 20 bucks per dog 10 hr long days. plus they have plenty of playdates with my sis's retreivers. not every dog has to be a dog park dog, I'm happy with them never going to one again myself I don't think your boy looks pittish at all. It was very wrong of that lady to try and make you feel bad about your puppy.
He really doesn't look too pit-mix in these photos to me. Honestly, if I had to take a crack at it, I might say maybe he's Pembroke and Boston Terrier, and maybe some Chi tossed in there for flavor! He actually appears more Pem than Cardi to me... but again, it's all a guess, unless you saw and know his parents for sure.

Chi's do come in brindle though, and I do know that a lot of fad-breeders are breeding them with the Corgis, so that's very possible where the color came from. Size, well, that's the reason I was thinking Boston. Regardless what he is, he's pretty cute, and if people are panicking about a four month old friendly puppy socializing with their dogs, I think they need to get a bit of a grip. I would be far more worried about your puppy around their dogs, unless your puppy is charging up to them with intent to hurt. (Seen a few pups like that... and that's just not okay regardless of breed.)

The problem is unfortunately that dog parks often have a lot of untrained, unsocialized dogs of many breeds in them who do start problems. Certain breeds simply are more likely tor react certain ways to stress and dominance gestures from other dogs. I personally don't take my dogs to them at all - it makes me nervous to have the guys around dogs and people I don't know in large, unsupervised groups...
Yep, we avoid the dog park too. We took Jack there once. After he was being humped by another dog whose owner was clueless, someone came in with a group of 3 or 4 dogs. Well, Jack took one look at them and literally ran to the exit gate to tell us he wanted to leave. Since my dog is very well socialized and normally can't get enough of playing with other dogs, I trusted his judgement that something about those three was bad news.

And that was sort of my point about pits at the dog park, too. A pit bull is very unlikely to take nonsense from another dog. There are lots of poorly socialized dogs at the dog park, which can lead to fights. The problem with a pit is once he engages, he is not likely to quit (as dogs that quit were removed from the gene pool, and still are because many pits are bred as fighting dogs or drug dogs). They say pits don't accept submission signs from other dogs once in a fight, and some will go in for the kill when the "losing" dog tries to show its belly in surrender.

I know there is prejudice against pits, so I try to get most of my info about them from the breed clubs and rescues, which is where I learned that pit bull fanciers don't recommend dog parks for that particular breed/type.


We allow our dog to approach friendly, well-mannered, well-handled pit bulls ON LEASH. Jack is friendly with several. They are lovely dogs. But they are what they are; dogs bred for centuries to fight in the pit.
Thankfully our dog park tends to have only a handfull of people there in the early morning and late evening. They are regulars who are all there before and after work. Its the odd ball (hate to use a stereotype) tourist who automatically gets upset. I have only had an issue with one local and he was a bit nutty. His black lab bit my female corgi on the tail and the owner did nothing. The dog was just playing REALLY rough, did not break the skin, but the owner offered no correction. So we left. It took months of socializing to get Miranda to calm down around big dogs. She would flip out and start screaching at the top of her lungs if one ran up to her all happy. She assumed she would get bit. Miranda is fine now, but it only takes one misbehaving dog to have an accident. So we go when we know the regulars will be there and there will be no incidents.
My freind was takingmy babies to the dog park in the middle of the day to get exercise while I was at work and that is when we hit a lot of problems with people being stupid and ignorant! All because of his color! Part of me wants to tell someone that they are racist because of it, but I think it would go over their heads.
Totally agree.
One time I saw this Basset Hound at the dog park who was growling at everybody that came near it. And why in the world would you bring a dog like that to the dog park???
I don't think that your Morgan looks like a pit at all.

I think it's really stupid to ban your little fur-baby from the dog park. That's rotten. Any dog can be vicious if they are raised to be that way. Some people only want to believe what they believe and you just can't change that, unfortunately. And...it's funny, but the dogs don't seem to mind what type of mix their new friend is, do they?

I think you should take your pup to another dog park where his interaction will be appreciated. :) I'm sure there are tons of other dogs who would be happy to play with him! (Mine would be :p )
There is a farm in Washington state where we got our corgi that has Corgi/chihuahua mixes. Look on Littletonfarm.com and they have pictures. He does look like them.
It just sent me to a Japanese website. I am not sure why. But who knows maybe he is a big corgi chi mix.


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