I have been asked to share some tips on learning to trim a corgis nails. I hope what I share will be helpful to some.
First may I say that the sooner you begin this process the better. Please practice handling your pups feet from day one. I like to start with a small cordless dremmel. This is less powerful and makes less noise that the corded ones. If you have a helper this makes it so much easier. I do not generally have a helper so I do it on my own.
I generally bring a handful of small treats. I prepare my area and make sure I have all the tools I need for the groom session. I usually use the bathroom as it is small and I can keep my pup confined. I generally enter and give a few treats. I turn on the dremmel and let the pup investigate and become a bit comfortable with noise. Depending on the pup I may then hold the dremmel in my hand and let the feel the vibration on their body (while my hand is wrapped around the dremmel) I give litte treats so they realize this must be a pretty good thing.
I then lay them across my lap, head to my left (because I am right handed) and pet them to comfort and relax them. I may give them another treat or two. I then turn on the dremmel and start grinding. I do little bits at a time. Remember the friction will cause heat so do not push hard or leave it on the nail for long. Keep going until you can get a little off each front nail. This will likely be enough for the first session.
Some pups will be much more receptive then others. Those that have been raised in a home environment and been handled frequently will fair much better. One needs to know their specific pup and work at his level.
I think one of the biggest problems with nails is the tension the people feel while attempting it. If you are tense and/or nervous your dog will feel it. Try to be calm, relaxed and confident when doing nails.
If you have a helper I suggest they sit in a chair with the pup in their lap. I generally sit on the floor which puts me at a good level to work with the nails. Have your helper pet, talk to and treat the pup frequently. I also seem to notice that the dogs that can not see what is happen do not react as much.
Another little trick is getting a jar of peanut butter just for the dog. Let them work at licking the peanut butter out of the jar as you trim. Some dogs totally ignore the dremmel when this is the method used.
I personally do not use the clippers often. My dogs seem to be more reactive to those then the dremmel. More room for error with these as well. If you do choose to use clippers have "blood stop" or another product on hand should you "quick" your pup. Thankfully many corgis have white nails so the quick line is easily seen. Be most careful to clip too far. This is quite painful to the dog and I think often the reason many dogs are so bad about having their feet done.
The newest dremmel out now is the Pedicure. The design is great as the actual rotor is covered and can not drop and get caught in the dogs hair. I have not used it and do not know how strong it is.
Most of all trim frequently and make it as pleasant of an experience as you can. Plan ahead, have all of your tools ready and have plenty of little morsels.

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DONE! Thanks John, thanks Sam!
My clipper system:
I keep a record on the calendar to encourage regularity so I don't have to clip much off. I aim for 1x weekly, in practice more like every 10-14 days. If overgrown, make frequent small cuts -- say, 1 every 4 days -- rather than one big cut.
I'm told that if claws are overgrown, if you patiently keep cutting them back, the quick will retreat and you'll eventually get them shorter without having to cut the quick.
Never use the "come" command for anything unpleasant; I go get the dog.
Inspect dog standing on hard floor; note which claws most need trimming.
Sit on floor, legs straight, dog upside-down between my legs, head towards my feet. I use the clippers backwards: the curved convex shield that's presumably supposed to fit the FRONT side of the claw is held against the BACK side of the claw. I cut front-to-back. Sometimes one quick clip, sometimes I shave off successive thin flakes. The beveled side of the blade faces me, away from the paw.
Cutting front-to-back seems more "with-the-grain" of the claw. Cutting back-to-front, I had trouble with the claw shattering. [Does anybody have better results cutting the other direction?]
It is crucial to have the clipper guard securely and squarely braced against the back side of the claw so that the claw does not twist when you clip. I think that twisting of the toe alarms the dog.
Gwynnie is relaxed with this now. Al freaks, so I need an assistant to hold his front paws, stroke and reassure him. The distraction helps greatly.
Treat lavishly afterwards.

Reiterate: an assistant to distract/reassure the dog really helps. I learned this from my dentist: she pinches/wiggles my cheek while inserting the needle, and I don't feel it at all.
Also: clip claws after bath, or when they've been out in the rain/snow. Wet claws are MUCH softer.
Good post.
I'm lucky in that Atlas is a food monster, as long as their is food involved he's okay with any situation.
I have always taken Leo to the vet for nail trimming..he has never liked it even when he was very young. Carries on like he is being killed and they have never made him bleed. Randy had his nails trimmed the first time at the vet and did not seem to mind. Both my guys will have nails trimmed at the vet (it is inexpensive and I get to weigh them at the same time). Good information here if one does plan to do it themselves though.
Nice post, got a few helping pointers. Thanks.
Cheyenne and Rex were rescued from a shelter as adults. Both hate nail trimming. Cheyenne actually bites my hand. The vet has to put a muzzle on her and tie her down to clip her nail. I hate that! They both hate the Pedipaws, too. They are fine until I turn it on. Any suggestions for handling adult dogs....ones we haven't had the benefit of raising from pups??
With the litters I whelp, I actually introduce the feeling of the dremel in my hand against their body at 5 weeks old and do it every other day or so for about a week and then every few days. Then I even use it to trim their nails should they need them done. I use a very light duty one as not to accidently hurt them. Getting them used to the vibration of it at that age, they practically never have any fear of the dremel as long as the process is done periodically. If I get a young dog that hasn't been accustomed to it yet, I do much the same thing you do to get them used to it. I have them sometimes even attempt to bite the grinder but they usually only do that once, it doesnt feel good on the ole tongue. I find if I am confident and firm, I can get them done with little more than a disgruntled look on their face.
When I took Spartan the first time to the vet he didn't like his nails trimmed and they told me to get him use to getting his feet touched by massaging them. That worked great for me and he would stay still and didn't mind getting his nails trimmed when I did them until one day I got to close ( he didn't bleed thank god) and now he will not let me get close to them and he cries now so I haven't done his nails for awhile and am going to have to take him to the vet just for this but, am hoping to be able to just do it myself again.

Thanks for the information because it's been helpful. I'm going to start over and make the experience more pleasent again so I'm able to do it myself.
The advantage in trimming your own dog's nails over having it done at the Vet is that you can take your time and do it in such a way that the dog is not scared.  At the Vet they do not have  that kind of time, nor should they be expected to, and if a dog struggles you will have up to three people holding him down and pulling on his legs to cut the nails.  This is a very scary experience that sets up an unnecessary behavior problem.  I start pups or adult dogs with doing ONE nail a day! and then a treat, until the dog shows no fear, then I will progress to two nails a day, or three, before giving the treat, until I can do one paw. If the dog, at this point shows no fear ( i.e. no struggle) I will do another paw.  A treat follows each paw all of their life....  The idea is to go slow as it will serve you and the dog well for all the years of its life.  Careful with black nails, as the  quick does not show.  Better to take off a bit less, than to hurt the dog.  They have long memories, and who  can blame them?

i agree. when teddy was a pup i didnt want the hassle of having to take teddy in to the vet just to have his nails trimmed so i have taught teddy not to be afraid and to trust me in this delicate moment. even before we got him the people he came from trimmed his nails once a week and played with his paws. even now when we sit on the couch i massage his paws and tell him what a good boy he is.


when i do cut his nails i show him the pedi paws and treat. i ask him to jump in papas lap and he does so he can get a new treat. then i show him the nail trimmers and he knows to lay on his side and relax. right as i am about to cut i say hold still. after i cut each nail i treat with something yummy so its all positive. once i am done he gets a special kind of treat. wither chicken w/cheese or a new smoked cow knee bone.


as a pup i would have the pedi paws on the ground along with the nail trimmers so he got use to the site along with he walked by them or touched them he got a reward. after a week of that i turned on the pedi paws. at first he was un sure of the noise but after a week he wasnt afraid. the key to this is to make it positive :) once thats done i had no problem cutting his nails.

I agree the key is to make it positive, but for some dogs that is not enough.  :)   One of mine is awful.


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