I know everyone has their little irks when it comes to dogs. Most people are smart enough to not go out and get such a dog due to those irks.

I in fact eliminated certain dogs from our list due to my irk knowing full well that in due time I would hate said dogs for that irk...

Now Charlie.. will either teach me to live with this irk and still love him.. or we shall have a very long talk.
...with our vet lol.

I can't stand drippy faces. I can stand hot car drippy... just drank drippy.. OMGYOURABOUTOGIVEMEASNACK drippy... and playtime drippy... but I can't stand.. I've-been-sleeping-all-day-but-my-face-still-feels-like-an-ocean drippy.

Seriously.. the kid will sit there.. and drool will drip to the floor so when I stand up after he moves it feels like he's peed in that spot..He constantly has this mass of spittle on his lower jaw like bigger dogs we all know that drip excessively....I can't greet the dogs when I get home from work until I change unless I want a huge wet spot on my work pants.. and I have to reclean my feet before going to bed because they're all sticky and gross...

Now.. you may find this funny because I could care less about dirty toys.. stinky dogs and hair all over the place.. but when I don't volunteer for my whole arm/legs/clothes to be wet and sticky I have issues.

so.. rant over...

Is there any way to help with this issue? We already know about brushing his teeth more.. and the house is wonderfully ACed to death.. is there something we're missing that may help?

Everything else is falling into place but I just... it's one of those rare girlygirl things I have.. lord knows I've rolled in the mud with Roxi when she was a puppy lol.

... now im embarrassed I let the cat out of the bag about my pet peeve. (harhar)

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Oh, my! I don't have any suggestions, except perhaps to have the vet thoroughly check his teeth to make sure it's not a dental problem. The only thing is, many dogs won't allow much more than a cursory look at their mouths, so this could mean sedation, which has its own risks.

BUT I understand how you must feel! When we were choosing a breed, there were a couple that might have made a short list, but drooling knocked them right off it. We saw a gorgeous Newfie girl at PetSmart one day, and she was sweet as could be but when we walked away, I turned to my husband and said "I could not take the drool."

Corgis are not meant to be big droolers, of course. But I'd check the teeth. He might have a rough one or have retained a baby tooth that is rubbing on his tongue and causing him to slobber. I don't know this from any direct experience from slobbering dogs, but just transplanting what I know about horses and people.
Yea when we had the first checkup to make sure the family didn't give us an already dying dog the vet told us to brush his teeth which we started doing. I just didn't know if there were any other reasons (besides the usual). I'll see if we can have his teeth REALLY checked out though besides the usual vet glance of "nice nice....they're yellow... they're black... OMG WHAT DID YOU DO!?!"

Thank you for the reply :) I don't feel so bad having this irk - knowing im not the only one now lol. I didn't think corgis were supposed to be drooly dogs.
Too funny, you're not the only one. My current foster have drippy, not just normal drippy, but slimy drippy, but i think it is getting better, as he loses more weight, I notice he doesn't drool as much, also the consistency is more liquidy and less slim like. just to give you a mental picture, he dripped on one of my client's folder and it will not come off, it kinda looks like elmer's glue stain, ok, tmi.... anyways, I swear he drool less now due to his weight loss :)
well what's odd about Charlie is he's not overweight.. he's actually a little skinnier then Roxi but his skin... He's four years old and you can pull it right up as if he were a puppy. If he were overweight I would have thought of this too.

and ewwwww! His is sorta gooey but not that bad haha. It's good your foster is getting better :)
Have you considered that he might have a disorder of his connective tissues? I know that some connective tissue disorders in people present with stretchy skin and excessive "wet" mucous membranes.
huh I never knew that. I was thinking that his drooling would be linked to a gland issue but that's a good thought on his stretchy skin. It's seriously like he's a puppy still and he's def. not under weight. I can pull skin up from anywhere - where for roxi I can barely get a hold of her skin lol.
I don't believe that Corgis (purebred) are drooly dogs. I would get another vet opinion as I would think this is quite unusual.
hmmm you think it would be a gland problem? I've been tempted to call the woman back and ask if they got him from a breeder or if he was a petshop dog... if he was a petshop dog this may answer some of our questions... like his loose skin.
Oh bummer! Not crazy about drool either! Sparty is a major drooler but only when we are eating something very yummy. He does not drool any other time. Corgis really are supposed to be a "dry mouthed" breed. Huh! Never heard of this, I don't know if there is anything to do. The only thing I could suggest is carry a towel like the people showing mastiffs and saints do. Ha ha.....
I'll just tape papertowels around my legs whenever I sit on the floor lol! yea we're gunnah try the brushing but I def. want to go see the vet about it.

The boy doesn't understand why I'm so squeemish haha.
None of our dogs are droolers - but I have noticed that their feed bowls feel like they are coated in slime when I wash them. Their ceramic food bowls just never feel clean no matter how hot the water or how long I wash them. Its very strange. Sorry, not very helpful.
I've noticed this too actually. I have to run them through the dishwasher to get that slimy feel out. I do this once a month and the rest of the month I'll clean them every now and then by hand.

Silly goo dogs :)


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