Do you any know famous corgis owners? or featured in films, TV or media?
Let me get this list started :)

Jennifer Aniston and her Corgi mix "Norman"

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Well if you don't know our dear writer Mr.Stephen King is a corgi own a Pembroke named Marshall. I had mine before he did! Just saying...
Yes! And I'm reading Stephen King's newest book, "Under the Dome". It has a corgi in it! I've just started (it's already a page-turner!) and have not met the corgi yet, but I can't wait! Oh and it's 1076 pages...I can barely lift it.
I've read good reviews of "Under the Dome," but none mentioned a corgi. Now I must buy it, but at 1076 pgs, I think I'll wait for it to come out in paperback.
The only reason I know is because I'm obsessive enough to read the "Some (but not all) of those in Chester's Mill on Dome Day" list at the beginning of the book, LOL. Under "dogs of Note" it lists Horace, Julia Shumway's corgi. She's the owner/editor of the local paper. ^_^
Thanks a lot! I don't read/watch Stephen King, even though I read a lot of books. So, after reading your post, I just went and got the book from my mom. I'll be starting it tonight because of you! Ahhhh, corgi obsession!
I'm flattered. Do let me know how it is. I would have bgt it, too, but I thought it's too big in hardback to bring to bed, where I do most of my reading.
OK, I need to ask you guys...have you finished it??? Oh my gosh, I loved this book. Please let me know wht you thaought of it
thanks. i love stephen king's books & didn't know he's a corgi owner.
I believe Oscar Wilde was a Corgi owner.

He once said "I'm having a bath, must you people follow me everywhere? If you're not a Corgi please put your trousers back on and get out of my bathroom!”
Queen has around 16

Former Governor General of New Zealand, Paul Reeves.

Ava Gardner - actress

Gary Cooper - actor

Kirstie Alley - actress

William Hurt - actor (after working with Bud in the Accidental Tourist)

Diane Keaton - actress

Doranna Durgin, Emily Krokosz, Mercedes Lackey and Jennifer Roberson - authors (science fiction/romantic fantasy genre)

Steven King - author

Dave Pelky - children's author

Greg Louganis - olympic medalist/swimmer

Richard Petty - NASCAR racer

Liza Minelli (actress) or ex-hubby David Guest

Maria Jette - opera singer

HGTV's Paul James - Gardening By the Yard host

Norman Rockwell - painter
Jennifer (Roberson) is actually a Cardigan show breeder. You can see her dogs at She's a lovely person and a breed mentor, so she's available to answer questions about Cardigans too.
Not a famous Corgi owner, but Corgi in a movie...

I was at the dog park today and someone said they fell in love with this breed when they saw "The Accidental Tourist" - I've never seen it, but I looked around youtube and found this...


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