We decided it was time for Finnigan to get a new ID tag since he was still wearing the one we made him when he was 8 weeks old. It took us forever to decide what to engrave on it given that we only had 4 lines to utilize. It made me wonder what most people put on their pet's tags. We ended up putting his name, my phone # and our vet's phone #. I considered putting his chip ID # but wasn't sure if that would be a good idea. What do all of you put on your Corgi's tag?

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We still haven't got Potus an ID tag-but if we did we'd probably just get our phone number and the vets number. He does have a registry tag (for people to call and a number to quote if lost), and his council tag and he is micro-chipped.
My tags have: dogs name, my name, my address,my cell and my house #. I did think about the vet #...It would be good if my husband and I were both to be in a car accident or something! I will have to ask my vet...they also have their rabies tag that has the vet# on it!

Everyone - do NOT put the tag with your pet's microchip # on your pet's collar! Someone could use that number to change the chip registration and steal your pet. Keep that tag in a safe place at home. Maybe an ID tag could say "Pet is microchipped" or "Please scan for my microchip"

Also, everyone - go to the chip manufacturer's website to update the registration information.
They give you the tag for the purpose of putting it on the dogs collar though. I wondered the same thing, can someone change the information if they have the chip ID, but if that is all it takes then why would the chip manufacturer provide a tag with the # on it? I'm going to check and see what information you need to provide to change the registration information for the chip. We're going to have to change ours soon anyway because we will probably be moving.
I can't speak for all chip makers, but when we changed Madison's contact info, the original owner needed to sign the form confirming the change of ownership. If the original owner is not available, you need some other information--- I think the vet needs to sign, or the shelter indicating the dog was surrendered, or something like that. I can't recall but it was very specific.
I put
Phone Number

I really suggest putting an address. If I find a dog running around and I am able to catch it, I always take it to the persons house. Then, If they are not home, I call the number on the tag. With 5 dogs at our house already, It's not really feasible to take the dog to my house and call and hope the owner comes soon.
Let's see..... we have akc tags with their Registered #, a rescue tag we got on Dogster.com, the tags I had made for them with their name, my cell # and the # in Maine when we're on vacation, and the county tag they get when they get their rabies shots! Now let me tell where all the tags are!! The two I got from Dogster.com are still in the little plastic bags they came in. The akc tag, the county tag and the "Maine" tag are all on each respective collar which we only put on them when we're in Maine at the lake and they're off leash. And oh...... by the way their nylon web collars each have their name and my cell phone # stitched right into the collar!!! When we walk them we use a martingale collar which has absolutely no tags. And when their in the house they go "naked"!!! LOL!!!
Ha ha! Finn doesn't wear his in the house either. Since we don't have a yard I don't have to worry about him getting out. If we had a yard I would leave his collar on him.
Rocky and Rosie have slide on tags that go on their buckle collars. I won't put hanging tags on them. Had a dog that played with her tag and got her collar caught in her mouth like a horse's bit. Their tags, 3 on each dog, (1st tag) have their names, my name, my cell, house phone, (2nd tag) their name and microchip number, (3rd tag), their name, hubby's cell, son's cell. Tag 3 is in case they are with me and I get hurt in an accident. In order to change anything with their microchip number online, you must log in with a user name and password with the company we have, Home Again.
Our chip is Avid and the tracking database is PETtrac. Does anyone else have an Avid chip? It looks like you have to mail in a change form ($6 for address and $12 for ownership) and if you are changing owners a new registration is required. I don't see a way to update your information online.

Do shelters/vets need different scanners to read different chips?
Ein has an Avid microchip.
And I registered both Ein and Brian with TogetherTag. http://www.togethertag.com/.

I have my dog's names and our phone # on each of their ID tags.
I just went and registered on Together Tag as well!


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