My boy Odin is 3.5 months and weighs 14.5lbs. I have seen on here that many people have pups that are much older and weigh that much. Is that too much? How much did your pup(s) weigh at 4,5,and 6 months?

I feed him Innova Puppy. He gets 3/4 cup twice a day....any suggestions on changing that. I have done research and it seems to be an unanswerable question. And many people say that with Innvoa you don't need to feed as much, and some people say that shouldn't feed dogs "puppy" food. They say it makes them grow too fast...hmm

I see a lot of dogs that get fed puppy and they look great. It is possible I could just have a big dog lol?

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Oh one more thing, Bailey gets 1/2 cup of wellness chicken twice a day, plus a couple treats!!
As a general rule, in Cardigans we anticipate that a puppy who is as many pounds as they are weeks old (i.e., at six months/24 weeks is about 23-24 lb) will be around 30-32 lb as an adult. Pems are supposed to be smaller, but since there is much more variation in weight when you look at the whole spectrum of Pems out there (show-bred and not), I'd expect him to be somewhere in the low 30s as a grownup.

Innova Puppy is just about the only puppy food that actually LOWERS the amount of calories and protein when compared to their adult food. Most companies make the puppy formula much more dense and that's what causes the growth issues and problems with joints later in life. So he can stay on Innova Puppy; it's a good food.

He looks like a total cutie.
Wow! Thanks for the responses everyone! Odin looks healthy too me, and is very playful.
My Rocky was 5.5 lbs when I got him at 2 months
8.2 lbs=10 weeks
11.6 lbs =12 weeks
14.6 lbs =16 weeks


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