My Tegan is being spayed and microchipped today...any helpful aftercare suggestions?

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She'll probably be a little groggy for a day and then sore for a few. Try to keep her limited in activity for a few days and hopefully you don't have too many steps. Mine have been good and no problems except for a female years ago that overdid herself!

Good luck!
Gwynnie's chip was inserted by an inexperienced person and started to come out later, so you might be aware of where it is and check/confirm that it's operating on subsequent visits.
To avoid infection, stay away from puddles / getting wet, put on an inflatable donut so that she can't lick the wounds raw.
This may sound crazy, but I suggest no pain killers. Mine felt SO GOOD on painkillers that he was wild and it was causing swelling. I ended up asking for tranquilizers and used those without the other. He healed so quickly after that; by his check-up at a week post-op the vet was amazed and he was collar-less and free to do as he pleased.
I only gave mine they pain pills the first 2 they did not exhibit any pain and they tend to send to many at least most vets!
Thanks for all of the suggestions! We brought her home last night, and she was definitely sore and a little dopey. She ended up sleeping the rest of the night and waking up this morning wide awake and hungry! My husband is off work this week and will definitely have his hands full :).
Just an fyi: neither of mine licked stitches and some vets won't suggest a collar unless they prove to be licking; many dogs find the collar more upsetting than the suture area. Neither of mine wore one (one male, one female) and both were fine and ignored the incision.

Good luck!
The vet said as soon as she woke up she pulled out the catheter, so she definitely needs the collar because I get the feeling she would pull the stitches out as soon as she got the chance...It was funny last night when she was wearing the collar, she would be walking and hit something and just stand there like she forgot what she was doing. This morning she was definitely back to her old self which is good :)
After Teddy was neutered, he had the hardest time walking with the cone on. He kept catching it on the sidewalk. It was both funny and a little bit sad at the same time. The next morning I woke up to him somehow turning the cone into a cape (and he was in his crate too!). Teddy rebounded fast too. I had a hard time keeping him calm. Luckily he healed fast. I hope your Tegan does too.


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