I have had corgis for almost 5 years now and we had 1 litter last year. My Livvy who is my rebel anyway went after my Wiley today and was trying to bite her leg and did! I got Wiley in and as soon as I got Livvy in she went to the kennel and sat for 30 minutes, she is now on a leash in my kitchen. Livvy is about 1/2 way through her 1st pregnancy. These 2 are normally fine together as all the rest are too. Could it be something with her hormones/pregnancy that she would do this??? Livvy is submissive and has never done anything like this before but she is bossy when outside. They were outside and this happened shortly after I let them out, I have no idea what brought this on...

I will be keeping Livvy kenneled, tied or in her birthing room until I figure this out!!!!

I am so shocked...does anyone have any advice????

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I am not an expert but based on what I saw/read, I don't think that Livvy literally "attacked" Wiley. Like everyone said that a pregnant bitch (or a new mom) is supposed to be very protective. Livvy just gave Wiley a warning sign,"hey, I am pregnant and give me some privacy." If she really wants to attack, she would have gone for a neck. You also said "try" to attack. If Wiley knows the proper canine manners, I am sure that she got a message. Just because it happened fast with some growling and barking, it does not mean that Livvy's intention was to attack. If a similar incidence happens again, Wiley is supposed to be isolated not Livvy. Wiley is the one not getting a message. Just my thought.
Yes, I realize that now...I was just so horrified and shocked at the time. I am putting Wiley out in the fence and separating the two by gates in my house if I am not right there but I am also letting them near each other if I am around!
It sounds like you have a good setup for her. I have Clue due on the 22nd, which sounds like she's about as far along as Livvy, and she tore the other dogs up one side and down the other for about a week when she was newly pregnant. She knew she was expecting and she wanted everybody to be ready to kowtow to her. After that it quieted down (because she knows they'll obey) but all she has to do is walk by the couch and the others jump off it for her. She'll have her box right beside my computer in the living room, because that's also right next to the pellet stove, but I'm likely to have to gate off that entire half of the house to keep the other dogs away. Even if they're just curious, it'll stress her out (and get them a ripped face).

I know it can be really scary, but remember that dogs don't miss. She gave Wiley a big spanking but if she had wanted to do some real damage she would have.
yeah, I agree with Sangwon Kim. You said you didn't see any damage but she limped and acted to avoid Livvy. That might be Wiley showing Livvy that she got the message.


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