So lately it's been in the negatives here. It was a few degrees above today and Puck and Penelope seemed okay playing out in the yard. My husband and I bundled up to take them for a walk. Well we got to the end of the driveway and their pampered paws just couldn't take the cold. I figured this would happen but we don't have money to buy them boots right now.

Does any one have good ideas for indoor exercise? I can't play fetch with both of my corgis because it turns into an elaborate game of keep away. Eventually I want to get them booties but for now any ideas would be welcomed!

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I thought of this today and as I was going up and down my stairs with Livvy following...I wondered if 15 times up and down would be an ok amount for them (and me) to get some exercise???? Maybe twice a day??? Anyone have a thought on this???? It's still -2 here at 2pm and windy so 5 minutes is all mine can last and they're on 3 feet...tonight we're looking at -20 and not a lot better for daytime Sat...
I think stairs are great exercise for hyper dogs! When Sky was a puppy I would be at my wits end with his energy... an Aussie puppy, yeesh! I would take him to a co-worker's house from time to time and make Sky run up and down her stairs. In fact, I didn't even have to run with him, I just stood in the middle and told him up and down. After about 20 min he was one tired puppy!!
Play hide and seek. Use kibbles or toys to get them motivated. Tell them to stay and then call them to find you.
I just did the stairs with them. I ran up and down with them for a few runs then stood in the middle and pointed. Puck was more interested in following me so I ran halfway and he ran the full length of the stairs. Penelope lost interest altogether after 8 or so times. I think it will do the trick on these bitter cold days. :-)
Sounds good! I will have to try this more than once or twice but mine do like the steps!
When the temps get too cold for much of a walk I plan "field trips" to our local pet supply store and or Petsmart. They enjoy it and at least it is something different. Obedience classes or workouts in the house are also good.
I second that! I just took Buddha to Petsmart today... had to get a few things of course but it gets us both out of the house. We also do training exercises inside when we get bored... He will now bring me the remote, slippers, a pillow, and his "hat"(collar) to name a few :)
I do that too! We have a local pet supply store that I like a lot better than the chains and it is much larger too. I think the staff have learned that anytime it's rainy I'm going to be there with my dogs! I'm not usually able to do this without buying something, but that's okay.

Also, if I feel like I've been going to the pet store too much lately, we'll go to Lowe's and do little training sessions in the aisles. It's a good lesson for heeling or just focusing in general because so many people are around, and rarely any other dogs, and since it's not a pet store people usually don't care to stop and pet them. It is good especially for my Aussie to learn he doesn't have to greet every person he walks past. I look silly standing in aisles with dogs and a bait bag and clicker, but I bet I have better behaved dogs than all the people that stare! ;)
You can bring your dog into Lowe's?? Is this true of every Lowe's?
Haha so true! I can't leave the pet store/feed store without something, even if it's a small bag of treats.
Where do you live that you can go into Lowes?! That's a great idea.
When I first got Buddha, my 6 yr old, I worked at a local Ford dealership, he came with me everywhere from 6wks until now and he's the most mannered and well socialized dog I know.... and never been to an obedience class, just my own training and lots of out of the house adventures :) I think it's so important for this breed to be mentally stimulated as well as physically.
It's -28 here this dogs literally can not be out more than 2 minutes without coming back in on 3 feet! BRRRRRR

Good idea Bev about the pet stores!
Pet stores are a great idea but the one we go to is an hour's also the best and the closest!!!!! Bummer!


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