I came home today and let Beni out. He was pretty excited running around outside, but he didn't poop. Then, when he came in, he was running around some more and pooped on the carpet. Then, he ate it!
Really grossed me out.

He's never done anything like this before. He really is good about holding it until we let him out. My guess is that he knew he should have pooped inside, and he wanted to cover up what he had done.

Has anyone else had this happen to them? I guess I need to keep a better eye on him when he hasn't had his normal "schedule" and make sure he gets outside in the middle of his excited play time.

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Yuck! Puppies frequently do this, because they see their mother clean the nest area. Some older dogs will do it too. Mine eat cat poop and the like, but not dog poop, thankfully.
Oh, mine love cat poop (yuck!). Despite my best attempts to close down the "Litter Box Buffet," they are sneaky and manage to figure out ways around every obstacle I put up. That's what I get for loving smart dogs! I think they sometimes sneak dog poop outside too, but they much prefer the cat variety. Silly dogs!
Oh, I just realized who this was! I have caught Lyla eating her own poo from time to time, so maybe it runs in the family! ;)
haha... yucky puppies :P
By the way, he doesn't eat it because he knows it's wrong. There is a very deep instinct against fouling the nest area and a primal urge to keep it clean. SImilar reason to why dogs eat their own vomit. Double yuck!
oh that makes sense! double yuck indeed. Beni also likes to eat lint/hairballs on the ground. Is that part of the cleaning too?
Probably not, that's just him hoping it's food! LOL Eat first, ask questions later. When I was a kid we had a Springer Spaniel who would eat ANYTHING she found on the ground. She even ate a thumb tack once. We also had a lab who tried to eat a glass Christmas ornament.

Maddie has been eating pine needles from the Christmas tree. She thinks they are quite tasty. And Jack has been munching the flowers from my Christmas cactus as they dry up and fall to the ground. They don't eat fuzz though.
Twice when Finnigan was little he wasn't feeling well and pooped in his crate and ate it. He's never tried to eat it except for these two time but he has also never gone #2 in the house other than these two times either. It seemed like he knew that was not the potty and he was trying to clean up after himself.
Daisy just jumped up on my lap and she has poop breath! She is fond of eating it too. Poppy does not touch it... Daisy on the other hand think's it is a snack food. I have tired everything to get her to stop... so far nothing works.
They just do not find this gross like we do. There is a natural instinct to clean the nest and some dogs are more apt to do it. I have never had a dog that does it as an adult but have known a few that did. Since this is not the norm for him I would not worry.
Sometimes puppies do that. They have stuff you can add to their food that is supposed to stop it but the best advise is to pick it up as soon as possible and I have found a change of food stops it. I raise Great Danes and was feeding Nutro Natural Choice and they loved it so much they liked to recycle. :-) Yucko. I changed them to Iam's Lamb and Rice and they stopped immediately.
Melody brought up a point that could be a another reason why a dog would eat poop. I tape and watch Cesar Millan 'The Dog Whisperer' and Victoria Stilwell 'It's me or the Dog' quite a bit and learned a lot. Some dogs eat their own poop because their food is not fully recycled and/or their nutrients are not fully met from the food that they have eaten. This happens when the dog gulp down their food too quickly, which don't allow their body to break it down properly before they poop. So the dog smells the poop and find that it still has nutrient values within the poop, they go and eat it. In Melody case, where she changed the dog food, it may have increased the nutrient intake to her Great Danes that they stop doing it. In one of Victoria episode, she said you can add pineapple to the food to make the poop taste bad so they won't go and eat the poop. I don't know if that is true or not, and I'm not volunteering to do any taste tests. :)


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