Last weekend Beauregard started having diarrhea issues out of the blue...he still had a hearty appetite and was drinking plenty of water, but was having diarrhea every time he went to the bathroom. We had him fast for 24 hours and then we made him some boiled rice and ground turkey to try and settle his stomach. He was doing fine with that and he seemed to stop with the diarrhea, but when my husband tried mixing in some of his old food with the rice/turkey mixture he started again with the diarrhea. Could his old food be causing the diarrhea? I'm starting to get worried about him...I'm going to try and get him into the vet in the next few days, but has anyone experienced this before? What could be causing it?

***We took Beauregard to the Vet this morning. We explained what was going on and what we have been doing and they seemed impressed that we had switched his diet to the rice and turkey. They did blood work, tested him for Giardia, and took a fecal sample. The Giardia came back negative (thank goodness!) and turns out he had a bacterial infection. They sent us home with antibiotics and a low fat prescription kibble for diarrhea. We were so happy to have an answer and to be able to put an end to explosive diarrhea!

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Strange.. Just to get a better idea though how long had he been on his "old" food before the diarrhea set in? What kind of food is it? Maybe he's developed a food allergy?
sounds like it's the old food, check the expiration date, if you still have the receipt, ask for store credit or refund.
He has been on his old food for the last 2 - 3 years...It's Nutro Max. We keep his food in an air tight storage bin, and I'm wondering if maybe the food went stale and it made him sick...he is the healthiest, most robust dog (knock on wood) and it's just weird for him to be having this issue...
I get Flint River Dog Food and it says to store it in its original bag. It recommends that you DO NOT store it in another container - be sure to check the bag for their recommendation.
Poor Beaurergard! My only two thoughts would also be the food ( always wonder when I dump a new bag in about the crumbles left in the tote) or allergies also. Good luck and I hope he's feeling better soon!
Try switching him to a food without wheat, corn, or soy (most commonly allergenic ingredient for dogs) and with a different protein source (like lamb instead of chicken). Or you could do the switches at different times and wait a week or so to see if there's any improvement. That way you would know whether it's the grains or the protein source that he's allergic to. For example, just switch to a Nutro Max kibble with a different protein (such as turkey since he seemed to tolerate that), and if that doesn't work, switch to a different brand that doesn't put those grains in their food (like Wellness). Well, this is assuming he is allergic but it could always be something else. Definitely check with your vet just in case.


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