We are adopting an adorable tri girl and are trying to find a name. We like Daphne, Elsie or Elsa. Our favorite name is Clementine but it seems to long, and clemmy or tine sound kinda dumb. Any Ideas? We like old fashion names, welsh names, anything interesting...cities, plants...
Any ideas would be much appreciated!

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I love that movie!

If you want an old fashioned name there's always Alice. :)
Just wanted to let all of you know we went with Clementine. It seems to fit her. This is a pic of her the day after we got her. Thanks for all the help!
Awww, she's a beauty!

I was just about to type a bunch of ideas when I saw you'd made your final decision :(. A day late, a dollar short.
I've always liked lily, also. I think Elsa is cute, Since you liked Daphne, I found a welsh name Dafi pronounced (DAF ee). As in I'm assuming Dof-ee or daffy like daffy duck lol. Good luck. My computer is dying and I don't dare drape the cord over the sleeping boyfriend. He'll have a hissy fit lol
It would actually be pronounced Da-vee. Single f's are v's in Welsh. Double f's are f's.
Congratulations on your newest addition! She is a beauty!
Congrats on the new Corgi!
Here is the video to celebrate the occasion!

I am waiting to get another corgi so I can call her Babette. If any of you have ever watch Gilmore Girls, you would understand the inspiration for the name. I think it would make a cute and saucey name for a female who has the same personality of my Dexter.
you could go with clementine and call her c.t. for short. I am very partial to the name Sadie :) Maybe Beth?
Ok so I googled Welsh baby girl names haha and these are some of the ones I liked: Dyllis (means sincere); Elain (meaning fawn); Glinda (meaning fair, good); Mabli (meaning loveable!); Seren (meaning star); Taffy (meaning beloved); Ysbail (meaning spoiled).

I think my two favorites of them are Glinda and Mabli. Hope this helps!
I adore the name Myfanwy. I keep trying to name a pet that and keep getting shot down :)
I also used to have a cat named Demelza. It's a town in Cornwall, but at least it's Celtic Britain.
Gwenllian is also nice (or Gwynedd -- the double d's are pronounced "th")


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