We're looking for a used, reasonably priced doggy cart for our 11-year old female Corgie.  She's losing the use of her right hind leg.  Cortisone injections, chiro treatments, medications, etc. are not helping.  Would like to hear from anyone who has used these carts - the success stories, the failures, how long were they used before they were no longer useful.  We want to give our girl the best care we can.  It hurts to even see her have to get the injections, because we know they are painful, and are only lasting 2 weeks.    

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No, she wasn't diagnosed with dysplasia, and we elected not to have the CT scan, etc. too, with her age what it is. Our vet also said the same as yours - the surgery couldn't be guaranteed, and it is pretty hard on the dogs. Unfortunately, our Libby developed other complications over the weekend, and we ended up having to put her down this morning.
Sharon - I'm SOOOO sorry to hear about Libby. I know it was hard and you miss her terribly. Our thoughts are with you. Thanks for responding and being so helpful at such a rough time for you. Karen
Oh I am so sorry! Our thoughts are with you!
I am so sorry for your losing your Libby. We lost our Duchess to DM after having been in "wheels" for at least a year. There was nothing to do but love her and keep her comfortable. I know you did your best.
So sorry for your loss Sharon :(
I am so very sorry to hear about Libby!

Gosh - I never imagined that so many people would care!!! Thank you all so much for your kind words and thoughts.
Libby came to us 5 years ago as a rescue of sorts - she was kept in a kennel and produced puppies until a cesarean birth cost the owners too much money. She had gum disease so bad that her first visit to the vet required 8 teeth to be removed, and medication every month for the years following.
We couldn't believe what a sweetheart she was! Never complained about anything, gave more love than she received. All it took was one look from those big brown eyes and she melted your heart. Loyal, faithful to the core.
We currently have 2 shelties, but you can bet it won't be long before we look for another Corgie. Again, thank you everyone for your thoughts.
I swear it's the dogs that have rough lives that bring the most joy to us watching them learn how to love and trust not just produce is so amazing and wonderful! I recently got an email from a woman that took one of my rescues about 18 months ago and she was saying how much my Mariah had blossomed! Thank you for the wonderful life you gave her!
Oh Sharon, we are so sorry to read about your little, sweet Libby. Our thoughts are with you and your family. Many hugs and corgi kisses to you all.
Our thoughts are with you and your family!


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