Last night after taking Finnigan for a walk I noticed that the innermost toe on his right paw looked like it was sticking out and seemed to be a bit red in between toes. Upon closer inspection I found that the area between that toe and the next was very swollen and under the toe between the pads was red and swollen and had a small bump almost like a pimple. The only possibilities I could think of were bug bite, abscess or broken toe. He was acting normal; running around and wanting to play but at bedtime I noticed him licking his foot.
This morning I called the vet to make an appointment (which isn't until 4pm and it's 8:30am now) and my father-in-law stopped by and decided to look at his paw while he was there and when he looked at the area between his pads he found it wet. When he applied slight pressure it started oozing. It seems like it was abscessed and has broken open. I don't know what else it could be nor do I know if whatever caused it is still in there. I'm still taking him to the vet at 4pm but I was curious if this sounds like an abscess to the rest of you and if anyone knows what I should expect the vet to do.